
Thursday, March 18, 2010


Woke up at 5plus today again. Shall stop my habit of sleeping late & waking up late alr. Sch's gonna reopen in a months time, how fast!!! I hate changing classes, seriously! ABCDEFG. Anyway, Mummy bought food & made Organic Soyamilk for me just now, (爱).

Quite a number asked me how did i add my background to my template. Firstly, you just have to upload the background you wanna use to either Photobucket or Imageshack. Get the Html code for that background you wanna use & put it in your template. There's a part under 'body' like this:

body {
background: url(' PUT THE HTML CODE HERE. ');

I hope this helps!

I'm so bored now, Dota anybody?! Oh, i think i seriously need to go redye my hair before sch reopens. & i'm still thinking whether to cut back bangs or not?! O-m-g.

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