
Friday, March 05, 2010

It's changing,

Met Yanti & Kuanleng at Town today around 4pm. Walked around then to Fish&co for lunch. Kuanleng treated us, thanks uh! Hahahahahaha. Cousin spotted me eating & came to say hello! (: Headed over to Fareast aftermath.

Yanti was deciding whether to extend her hair or not. Lol! In the end, she didn't. Anyway, went to eat at some desert shop while Sh & Wh came to find us followd by Adrian & Xiaojie but they left soon after. Went over to Pastamania as Sh & Wh have not eaten. Walked over to Ion after finishing their food. Was so bored & we decided to go Swensons for deserts! :D

Ordered ice-cream & shared Crayfish soup beehoon with them. Ohmygod, it's delicious! :D Was super bloated & couldn't finish my icecream. Lol! Trained back to Amk aftermath with Sh. Met Baby then walked home tgt. (:

I so wanna Dota now! Haha, byebye! ^^

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