
Sunday, March 07, 2010

It's still the same,

I'm back! Prepared then went to meet Baby downstairs. Walked over to for Dota while Cousin came soon after. Headed to Sukisushi after our game. Ate till super bloated! Raiders next for Dota again, Lol! Cousin & me went over to find my parents & aunty at Hub while Baby went home to prepare booking back into camp.

Went to Helloshop as Mummy wanna buy new phone again. -.- You know what? Suddenly, i feel like buying Iphone! Ohmygod, temptation ~ Anyway, blablabla then Cousin went home while we went to my hse downstairs to meet uncle & other cousins. Read newspaper while they ate as i'm alr v.full. (:

While i was reading halfway, my contacts dropped out. -.- Lucky or what? Chatted quite alot, super funny! Homed aftermath. :D Ohyeah, i'm going Genting on 25thMarch! Wish i'll be able to get in the casino, HAHAHAHAHA.


It's 8:55am now, & i'm blogging away here. Crazy isn't it? Just came back from church, way tired! Out with Baby ytd. Dota-ed all the way. Wanted to go J8 for Ajisen but we're too lazy to get our ass out of Amk. Lol! So went over to LongJohnSilver instead. Ate Grilled Cajun Chicken Rice, delicious! I wanna go back to eat again, Hahahaha. (:

Going out with Baby & Cousin ltr on, wonder where we'll go also. Lol, singapore's so small don't you think? It's like always going to the same place every now & then. Okay, i need to go get some rest now before preparing, byebye! :D

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