
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's just the beginning.

Out to alter my jeans at the market then trained over to Town to meet Yanti. Went Ion, Wisma & Fareast. Bought what i wanted! (爱) Yanti was psyco-ing me throughout to buy wedges with her! Ohmygod. Now i feel like buying already!!!!! Walked around till 9plus then trained & walked home a-l-o-n-e. Shocking hur? Hahahaha.

The Aunty called me up around 9pm & said that both my jeans were done altering! She said she close shop late just because to help me alter my jeans as i'm going overseas. Love their service & the Aunty is real friendly, THANKS AUNTY! :D Going to collect them tmr, haha.

Kianwei told me that UT3's results is out already. Went to check it out just now. MY HEART FCUKING JUMP LIKE HORSE GALLOPPING, OMFG. I FREAKING DON'T DARE TO SEE THE SCREEN OKAY. & You know what, I PASSED ALL MY MODULES!!!!! OMG. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. A passed all too! HAHAHA. ^^

Anyway, that Kuanleng is an asshole. Kept Mia when i asked him to Dota! ABCDEFG. Anyway, will be leaving to Genting Highlands on Thursday! I think no one will miss me hur? Nehmind, got babyliew can already, hehe! :D Leave me a tag okeh! Appreciated much, (爱).

Oh, & before you leave my blog, help to vote for Singapore's Mr World okay! Thanks! ^^

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