
Friday, March 19, 2010

Isn't right,

Out with Cousin today. PepperLunch for lunch, Subway again for dinner. Vivo first then headed to Town. Kept going Orchard, then Somerset, then back to Orchard, then Somerset, again back to Orchard. Lol,  crazy aren't we? Hahahaha.

Was damn tired, homed around 11plus. Baby's back from his outfield, (爱). Wish he'll be able to book out tmr morning so that we could make it to Expo for Groover's competition. Goodluck Juniors! :D


Sick of my face alr? Hahahahaha. Gonna go sleep soon as nobody's gonna Dota with me. ): Baby, quick book out & play with me!!!!! ^^ Goodnight! (晚安).

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