
Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hi there! Out with Baby today. (爱) Dota-ed for damn long, think about 4hrs? LOL. Played till around 5pm then went to watch Cop Out. Freezing cold somemore it's still raining outside!!

Some parts were real funny! Hahahahaha. Anyway, bus-ed to Melben at Blk232. The queue's superb long, omg. But, we cut queue because Baby worked there before. Hahaha. Ordered ChilliCrab & others. Omg, love the crab! ^^ You'll should go try, super delicious! :D

We ate till we're real bloated. Bus-ed home aftermath. (: Was super fustrated with Garena just now, couldn't log in!!! In the end, used Victor's account to log in then couldn't see Baby's game cause Raider's Dota version is different from ours. Omg, made us all mad. (Abcdefg)

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