
Monday, March 29, 2010

It won't be the same anymore,

Met my Baby ytd at Vland. Dota-ed then went 728 for dinner. Cousin came to find us awhile ltr while Baby went home to prepare for booking in. Walked around Hub, went SweetSpring for Tauhuey & some dimsum. Full like omfg. Walked around, homed around 10pm.

Woke up damn early today for Freshman Orientation Programme 2010's dry run. We're the student leader for the new rp students! Haha. Met Adrian in the morning then trained to sch. Saw Kb in the train too. Didn't know that the dry run last till around 6pm in the evening until Kb told us!!! A & Shermaine were late so they joined us after that. Had briefing, games, dance & etc. Overall, i think it's quite fun. So those who were posted to Rp, do come for the Orientation on 12th - 14th April okeh! Hahaha.

Ended around 6plus then walked to Mrt then trained back to Amk. Homed aftermath, dead tired. That Tkl dua me again, very gd lor! Say night Dota, in the end mia again!!!! Gonna sleep early, round 2 of dry run tmr. So tiring. Byebye! :D

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