
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Smiles in my heart.

Went to work today with Yiliang & Yanti. Met up with Yl at Amk Mrt then trained down to Orchard to meet Yanti. Bused to Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. Was shocked that there's office in a hotel, that's cool. Haha. Anyway, work was fun with them around! Job was damn slacky! Chatted, laughed etc. Knew unexpected stuffs that i actually didn't know, suspected at that time but didn't think that it's so omfg. Not my problem also, they can do what they want. LOL. Anyway, had fun working there. (:

Knocked off at 7pm then bused back to Orchard. Trained home aftermath. Yanti went the other way. Yl walked with me & left halfway. Chatted about stuffs, and gave me strength to get my smiles on my face everyday. Not forgetting my Babyliew too! (爱)

- Sometimes, you need to give up something you cherish alot in order to have something else better in the future.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Met Adrian at usual place then trained down to Woodlands. Met A & Cassandra there then walked to sch tgt. We're suppose to be Studentleaders to guide those year1s but that Kb forced us to be GameMasters that will be stationed at every game booth & explain games that the year1s will play. SIAN.COM

Anyway, same team as Cassandra, Faris & Jinlie(?) LOL. Was super bored as the teams that came to play were so little. Chatted all the way, & had some mini picnic going on. Hahahaha. Slacking throughout. I bet the actual orientation, we're gonna be busy like hell as there will be like around 300 teams of 25 ppl going round to play games. Omg.

Ended around 4plus then cab-ed to Admiralty Mrt with A & Shermaine. Trained & walked home thereafter. (: Yl asked me to work tmr with him, & i asked Yanti along. Haha. Gonna go sleep soon, needa wake up at the same time again. Ohmy. 拜拜! :D

Monday, March 29, 2010

It won't be the same anymore,

Met my Baby ytd at Vland. Dota-ed then went 728 for dinner. Cousin came to find us awhile ltr while Baby went home to prepare for booking in. Walked around Hub, went SweetSpring for Tauhuey & some dimsum. Full like omfg. Walked around, homed around 10pm.

Woke up damn early today for Freshman Orientation Programme 2010's dry run. We're the student leader for the new rp students! Haha. Met Adrian in the morning then trained to sch. Saw Kb in the train too. Didn't know that the dry run last till around 6pm in the evening until Kb told us!!! A & Shermaine were late so they joined us after that. Had briefing, games, dance & etc. Overall, i think it's quite fun. So those who were posted to Rp, do come for the Orientation on 12th - 14th April okeh! Hahaha.

Ended around 6plus then walked to Mrt then trained back to Amk. Homed aftermath, dead tired. That Tkl dua me again, very gd lor! Say night Dota, in the end mia again!!!! Gonna sleep early, round 2 of dry run tmr. So tiring. Byebye! :D

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's the new start,

Yes, i'm back! :D Shall blog more about my trip another day when i'm not lazy okay. The weather at Genting's super (爱) If i can stay there forever & don't come back...........Anyway, shall face my future happily. (Pardon my previous sentence, ignore it.)

Had great fun over at Genting. Sometimes i wish i could just migrate to other country & stay there forever. You know, it's a new start for everything. That's more wonderful i think? (: Anyway, reached Spore at round 10plus at night just now. Hate the long bus journey ~

Church tmr, shall go to bed soon! Meeting Baby tmr too, (爱). Byebye! :D

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the process,

Forced mself to wake up earlier today so that i'll be able to sleep tonight! Haha. Headed downstairs for dinner with Mummy&Daddy just now. Went over to collect my jeans. (: Ate till damn bloated then came back home. Packed my stuffs & i brought 2hoodies there, omg. I get cold very easily you know, because of my low blood. -.-

But anyway, Dota-ed with Kl after that. Went to dig out my Ipod Nano that had been kept in my drawer for years. Grow fungi already.........LOL. Updated it for tmr's journey. ^^ Will be leaving Singapore in around 7hours time! I bet no one will miss me hur? But i know my Babyliew will always be missing me, hehe! (爱)

Oh, & leave a tag okeh! Byebye! :D

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's just the beginning.

Out to alter my jeans at the market then trained over to Town to meet Yanti. Went Ion, Wisma & Fareast. Bought what i wanted! (爱) Yanti was psyco-ing me throughout to buy wedges with her! Ohmygod. Now i feel like buying already!!!!! Walked around till 9plus then trained & walked home a-l-o-n-e. Shocking hur? Hahahaha.

The Aunty called me up around 9pm & said that both my jeans were done altering! She said she close shop late just because to help me alter my jeans as i'm going overseas. Love their service & the Aunty is real friendly, THANKS AUNTY! :D Going to collect them tmr, haha.

Kianwei told me that UT3's results is out already. Went to check it out just now. MY HEART FCUKING JUMP LIKE HORSE GALLOPPING, OMFG. I FREAKING DON'T DARE TO SEE THE SCREEN OKAY. & You know what, I PASSED ALL MY MODULES!!!!! OMG. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. A passed all too! HAHAHA. ^^

Anyway, that Kuanleng is an asshole. Kept Mia when i asked him to Dota! ABCDEFG. Anyway, will be leaving to Genting Highlands on Thursday! I think no one will miss me hur? Nehmind, got babyliew can already, hehe! :D Leave me a tag okeh! Appreciated much, (爱).

Oh, & before you leave my blog, help to vote for Singapore's Mr World okay! Thanks! ^^

Monday, March 22, 2010

Discard them & look forward.

Stayed at home the whole day today. One word to describe = BORING. Going Dota soon with Victor. I'm so cold now, i think i am insane. Okay, enough of my nonsence, byebye! (爱)

Yesterday's photos.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's different now,

Stayed at home ytd. Was suppose to go down to Expo to support my Juniors but Baby booked out late, so not enough time to go. The weather was omfg cold! I even had my hse's windows & doors closed but my hands & legs were still freezing. But anyway, Dota-ed with Baby, Jm, Dason & his brother last night. (哈哈)

Church this morning then back home to prepare & out to meet Baby. Was suppose to go shopping but changed of plan cause we bought clothings from Hub instead. LOL. for Dota then went to catch a movie. Wanted to watch 'How to train your Dragon 3D' at first but the seats were almost full so decided to watch 'Confucius, 孔子' instead. Dreaded watching the show in the beginning cause i think this type of show is way boring.

But....i was wrong. Some parts were real touching & almost had me tearing while some parts were real funny. Hahaha. Cab-ed back to Baby's hse as he's running late. Waited for him to prepare & stuffs then left his place. Walked home while Baby went to Fabian's hse there.

Was watching the Charity show just now & Daddy came to ask me to help him dl some program to let him watch soccer. Dl for him & he was busy watching away while i fell asleep on my sofa. -.- I'm so bored now, i wonder if i'm gonna go out tmr, should i? Haha. I wanna go alter my jeans tmr, nobody's gonna accompany me alr. D: Shall go alone & be independent! (: Will upload the rest of the photos tmr if i'm not lazy tmr!

People in your life comes & go, but only the true ones will stay no matter what happens.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Isn't right,

Out with Cousin today. PepperLunch for lunch, Subway again for dinner. Vivo first then headed to Town. Kept going Orchard, then Somerset, then back to Orchard, then Somerset, again back to Orchard. Lol,  crazy aren't we? Hahahaha.

Was damn tired, homed around 11plus. Baby's back from his outfield, (爱). Wish he'll be able to book out tmr morning so that we could make it to Expo for Groover's competition. Goodluck Juniors! :D


Sick of my face alr? Hahahahaha. Gonna go sleep soon as nobody's gonna Dota with me. ): Baby, quick book out & play with me!!!!! ^^ Goodnight! (晚安).