
Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Slept at 2plus am last night! Was busy editing my blogger skin etc. Might be going back blogger soon. Haha! Must change if not i'll feel bored using the same thing. Maybe i'll change back to onsugar next time again! Hahahahahaha.

Anyway, woke up at 3plus this afternoon. Felt super strength-less. My hands were shaking went i bring it up, look how strength-less i am! Was feeling giddy & was going to faint as i was i perspiring profusely. Sat on the sofa and rest. Thinking back to ytd, i ate my lunch/dinner at 4plus till i woke up this afternoon. Okay, my low blood is getting worse.

Made food to eat and a super sweet milo. Lol! Felt better after drinking it. Tv-ed all the way. Gonna be a goodgirl and study now! (:

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