
Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's just, changing.

Final Ut ended today!!! Hahahaha. Trained back to Amk then A went to meet her sukah at fountain while i went home to take Baby's clothes. Met him at fountain then to Sukisushi for lunch. Baby ordered many dish & i couldn't finish my Ramen!! Lol!

Dota aftermath then went to watch 'Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief''. The show is AWESOME! :D

Walked around Hub then to for Dota again. Homed around 10plus. Tried to curl my hair using my straightener just now. Haha! Mummy says i look more mature with curls. Lol!

Pardon my sleepy eyes! (:

Should i perm my hair or leave it straight? I-don't-know!! Anyway, i'm so hungry now. ): Tmr's Cny eve alr, time flies don't you think? Every Cny seems to be so fast! I'm so excited to get Angbaos ~~~ Hahahahaha.

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