
Monday, February 08, 2010

Church in the morning as usual then homed. Waited for Baby to wake up then went to his hse to meet him. Bused to J8 & Baby went to buy his Renoma shirt then to Pastamania for lunch/dinner.

Trained back to Amk then to for Dota session! :D

Walked over to Baby's place after the game & slept for 1hr. LOL. Waited for him to prepare then he went back to camp while i went to meet Sh. (:

Headed over to Hub as she wanna eat. After walking one whole round of Central, we u-turned back to Hub again as she didn't know what to eat! Bought Bbt while she bought Oldchangkee then headed over to 344 to meet Trisha. Chatted then Trisha went home. Homed awhile ltr too. (:

Gonna stay at home tmr to STUDY! Hahahahaha. Unbelievable right?! ^^

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