
Friday, July 10, 2009


Hold my hand,

I'm so bored in class.
Went over to Sh's hse downstairs to meet her in the morning.
Passed her her stuffs then walked tgt.
Parted at traffic light as she went Hub while i went to the Mrt.
A & Adrian was there alr.
While waiting for the train, A was drinking Sh's chrysanthemum tea that Sh left inside her bag ytd.
Suddenly felt thirsty so she gave me Sh's chrysanthemum tea.
Sh drank then passed to A then to me.
Damn funnyzxzx.
Me is gonna pass to Wh next is it?
Okay, sotzx.
Trained to sch as usual.
Science UT ltr on!!!!
I didn't even learn a single shitzx.
Ahh, whateverzx.
Gonna go do my ws alr.

Me isn't shooting you or what here.
Is just that i seriously dislike ppl having no originality.
I didn't say anything cause i considered you as my friend.
But don't go overboardzxzxzx okeh.



Met Baby after sch at Amk.
Headed to 728 for dinner. next for CS. (:
Homed after that.
I'm so angry right nowzx!
I can't sign in to VPN!!
Fk it, i'm not gonna do my Rj alr.
Make me damn fed-up with it.
& My throat is seriously hurting like fk. _l_
The back of my tongue can feel that there's something at the right side of my throat.
Damn pain like sotzxzxzx.
Hope it'll recover soooooon. )))))):

Bye! ♥

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