
Monday, July 13, 2009

2nd performance plus match.

Little bit of love,

Woke up at 4plus ytd.
Prepared then Pa fetched me to taxi stand to meet Baby, A & Adrian.
Cab-ed down to Cck stadium.
Changed then the bus fetched us to idk which road.
The event for the day is Mass Cycling & Walk. (:
Cheered & did routines then slacked there while waiting for the bus to fetch us back.
Back stadium around 9plus.
Had buffet breakfast in the idk what room.
Watched Cheerobics cd etc there.
All left around 11am.
Adrian went church with Karine.
The rest went home. -.-
So left Me, Bi & A.
Wanted to watch movie tgt at CWP but A last minute didn't want to go.
So trained to Cwp with Bi while A went home.
Didn't know which show to watch.
So ended up watching this

Nice show but some parts i was scared? LOL.
Anyway, bfore the show starts, when Timezone to play with Bi.
Trained back to Yewtee then to stadium.
Rotted in the barrack.
Chatted with Diana while Bi sleep.
Karine & Adrian came back awhile ltr.
Played with Karine.
Camwhored with her too.
Photos are in Diana's phone.
More & more came after that.
Changed to costume & got ready for the match.
Ytd's match was Sengkang Punggol FC vs Saf FC.
We won!
2 - 0 !!
It's Masa's birthday as well! ( Masa's one of Saf's football player)
Sang happybirthday song to him.
Went back Barrack to change then trained back to Amk.
My leg suddenly have blisters!!
So cab-ed home from Amk mrt.
Bathed everything then slept.

Sch as usual today.
Anyway, i got B for Enterprise UT.
Fking shockedzxzx!
Update more tonight! :D

Bye! ♥

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