
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Performance tmr!

Days that we've gone through,

Sch as usual ytd.
Homed after sch then out to meet Sh. (:
Was a freaking unlucky night, seriously.
Going cry any moment but, I CAN DO IT.
Homed around 10plus.

Suppose to go Town with Sh today.
But i'm damn tired so changed it to tmr instead.
Went Church just now.
Homed after that.
I think my mouth has some problem now.
Feeling damn itchy & i kept eatinggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!
I am seriously growing fatter & fatter everyday.
Ohmygodzxzxzxzx. D:
Anyway, performance tmr!! (:
Needa reach Cck stadium at 6.30am.
So early plus super far like sotzx.
Sleeping early tonightzxzxzx.
Ohya, SAF won ytd's match, 3-1!!
Pa showed me his ticket? those bet football's paper.
& He's so happy cause he bet 3-1 also. *Kaching.

Bye! ♥

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