
Sunday, July 05, 2009



Alarm rang at 4am but i went to off it & slept back.
Lucky i woke up at 5am.
Prepared then Pa fetched me to Hub's taxi stand.
Met Adrian there then to the back entrance to meet Baby.
Cab-ed to Cck stadium after that.
Changed, makeup etc then board the bus.
The bus fetched us to Hortpark.
The event for today is Wheel, Walk or Jog!
Trained a lil then performed when the GOH arrived. (:
Rest awhile after that then lead the participants to a light warm up.
Cheered for them when they're at the starting line.
Had breakfast after that.
Luckydraws then the bus sent us back to Cck stadium.
Trained to Orchard with A while Bi & Adrian got down at Amk.
Met up with Sh at Orchard Mrt.
Walked around & had Bakerzin for Lunch.
Was deciding whether to eat or not as .................
Made up my mind to EAT.
Had set lunch with A while Sh ate Cookies&Cream Cheesecake! :D
Headed to LV to seeseelooklook.
Was imagining ourselves that our bodies are sticked tgt.
Imagine how we bathe, wear clothes etc!!
Damn funnyzxzxzxzx.
Anway, Sh left to meet her classmates while Me & A sat inside the Mrt for damn long.
Chatted and becoming a directory for ppls.
Showing them which line to take to go to this place etc. -.-
Decided to go Novena after that.
Walked around & bought bbt.
Was freezing cold like sotzxzxzx.
Left there around 7plus.
Trained back to Amk while A continued her journey.
Was raining damn fking heavily but luckily Baby brought umbrella to fetch me home.
Haha, loveyou Bi! :D
Pictures tmr!

Bye! ♥

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