
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rainbows around.

Hi-yo! Partial-ed ytd then cab-ed to Bibi's hse. Dota-ed, watched different shows & fell asleep after watching. LOL. Woke up around 6plus then went cbmart for dinner. (: Walked back to Bibi's hse to take my bag then walked home. Met parents downstairs & accomapanied them for dinner. Homed aftermath. :D

Today's a boring day. Cognitive is always such a bored module. D: Was late today as i woke up late, damn tired you knowzxzxzx. Hate waking up for sch every morning!!! Suck. Fats are growing rapidly all over my body, wtf. -.-

Anyway, you'll should go watch 海派甜心! It's freaking nice, 罗志祥 looks damn dumb and cute & 杨丞琳 pretty like sotzxzx. HAHAHA.

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