
Friday, November 06, 2009

Match's photos.

Hihi! Sch as usual ytd. My dota improved! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sot i know. LOL. Hate Cog faci more & more as weeks goes by. He was quite gd in the beginning, but now like one shit only. Make me damn pissed off with him during presentation. _|_ 

Anyway, walked over to Mrt with Jason to meet Bi. Jason left to find Felicia while we trained back to Amk. Caught Pokerking! Nice show. :D

Match's photos! :D ( Camwhored in the bus with A and others. Tried to play with the effects thingy. I know i look super retarded. LOL. -.- )

Photos with others & A below. (:

Below are all ME! HAHAHAHAHA. I know you'll will get sick seeing my face. LOL.

Currently in class nowzxzxzx. Rained heavily this morning and was late. -.- Went Mac for breakfast with Jason & Banbee. (: Bus-ed to sch aftermath. It's Ma's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA, LOVEYOU! ^^

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