
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hi! Had Workshop ytd at Potong Pasir CC. Trained ALONE all the way to Potongpasir okeh! Godzx. Anyway, met Laila & Diana there first. Headed to Mac then waited for the rest to come. Headed to the CC, filled form blablabla. The Taiwan cheerleaders and Denvers combined & had a performance for us. (:

Ohya, our workshop was conducted by the Taiwan cheerleaders, MONSTERS. Guojing was from that cheerleading team before too! :D You will know if you watched those taiwan shows. Anyway, learnt quite alot there. (: Was having headache halfway as Di fell on my head. D: So yeah, everything ended around 7 then trained back to Amk alone again.

Went over to 700+ to find Sh & Trisha. (: Head was getting painer so went home awhile ltr. D:

Decided not to go out today as my head's still not fully okay yet. Having muscle-ache now also!! Hate it. So bored nowzx, somebody entertain me?! Guess i'll have to entertain myself. ~~~~~

Monday, December 28, 2009


A belated Christmas to all! :D Spent my time lately with Cousin & Baby! ^^ Cousin accompanied me to fetch Bi from Army camp on Christmas eve! Waited for 1hr plus at the busstop then he come out!

Anyway, cab-ed back to Bi's hse after that. Waited for him to bathe etc then trained to Town! Walked around & had Pasta for lunch/dinner. Bi & cousin watched me eat cause they wanna eat KFC. D: Wanted to catch a movie after that at Cine but most were full. So walked over to Shaw hse instead. Bought tickets then to KFC. Slacked there awhile then went to watch AVATAR! The show's damn nice! ^^

Movie ended around 12am. Wanted to cab home but the last train ends at 1.30am, so trained back instead. (: Cousin bused home at Amk while Bi & me walked home. :D

Went Church on Christmas day. Headed to meet Bi at Hub. Dota-ed while waiting for cousin to arrive. Headed to hub after that to buy tickets for Bodyguards & Assasins. I think the movie was okay only, cause everyone died at the last part. -.- But the show's v.touching, almost cried you know!

Movie ended then to Big S to eat Rotiprata! Haha! Suddenly feel like eating, dk why either. Cousin went home after that while Bi accompanied me to my another cousin's hse. (: Bibi took bus back alone after that. D: Thanks Baby, loveyou alot okeh! ^^ Didn't ate much there as i'm feeling damn full. Blablabla, homed around 12.

Central with Baby ytd. for Dota then Kpool to pool. Popeyes for dinner! :D Dota-ed again then homed! 

Church just now, decided not to go out as i'm sick. ): Accidentally knocked my forehead with the wall last night, now it's swollen! Damn pain. (!!!!!!)  Baby's gonna book in tonight!!!!!! ): Gonna miss him alot again. ): Luckily he's gonna come out on Thurs again as it's Newyr eve! Haha. No pictures as i'm so lazy to take during Christmas. LOL. (: Will upload one of my face here instead. Haha! :D

Saturday, December 19, 2009

8th day..

Hi! I'm back after 1 week i guess? Haha. Was spending my days with Sh & Trisha recently. Sh stayed over my hse the previous night. Trisha was suppose to stay too but her mother forced her to go home & sleep with her. Sot right?! HAHAHA. So she went off at midnight.

So yeah, that sh put alarm at 6.30AM & FORCED ME TO GO CENTRAL WITH MY DISGUSTING HAIR AND FACE JUST TO GO KOPITIAM EAT LOR-MEE. SOT TILL CAN'T SOT ANYMORE I TELL YOU. Somemore the lor-mee taste 'great' . LOL. -.- Rot there for quite some time then back to my place. Slack, rot & pluck mushroomzx. LOL.

Went to prepare at 1plus. Trained to Braddell after that for our haircut! My fringe's so short nowzxzx! D: Back to central, same daily routine. Met Trisha and Sh's boyf. Blablablablablabla. They sent me home around 11plus. (: Thankzx uh! ^^

Rot at home today. SO BORING. Today's the 8th day baby went army. Time flies? Or time crawls? LOL. 2weeks felt as if it's like a month. Gonna see baby next thurs!! :D

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy 1yr 5mths baby! First day w/o you.

Hello! Today's our anni & Bibi's gonna go in army, suck! Anyway, met Bibi & A this morning then to Cbmac for breakfast. Headed to Bibi's hse after that. Walked to Mrt with A, Bibi & his family. Trained to Cck & took a shuttle bus to Keat hong Camp. Saw Boonkiat there as well, haha! Bibi met up with Ivan & Fabian. Blablabla then the surgeon brought us to tour around the camp.

Hot like bbq chicken meat i tell you. -.- Bibi had their Oath ceremony then parted with him. Was gonna cry alr, but ren, ren & ren. LOL. Took the shuttle bus back to Cck with his family then parted with them as well. Trained to Woodlands with A then cab-ed to sch. Went in class at 3rd meeting, powerpack. Marketing Ut aftermath, gone case. -.-

Walked to Mrt with A & her classmates. Trained to our respective destination then walked home. My whole body's aching like sot now! Thankyou muscle-ache, you probably saved my life. _|_  & There's Cheerleading Workshop tmr!!!!!! Chickenassholezx. Anyway, i've got many photos to upload & i'm being a lazy fried pig nowzx. Will upload them real soon okeh! :D

How bored w/o you around, imy. ):

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

2days left..

Hi all! I'm back after so long? Haha. Don't worry, i'm still as crazy as ever! :D Finally caught up with Sh & Wh recently, Bibi too! In fact, everyday i suppose? Haha. Going sch as per normal everyday, k maybe not everyday. LOL. Happyhappy ytd cause i went shopping with Bibi at 313. Bought a few stuffs, Bibi too! :D Although i wasn't so happy in the beginning when i left hse to central.. It's alright now! (:

Anyway, had been watching Cardcaptor Sakura lately. I know the show's like freaking long ago, i watched it on tv when i'm in pri sch. But the show's super nice okeh! :D Should go watch it if you guys are free or bored! (: Manymany overdued photos not uploaded yet! Will do so soon okeh! :D

2 more days baby! Although you know what you did ytd (it's unforgivable, but i still forgive you. -.-) (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) , i'll still love you as much okay! ♥♥♥

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Life changed..

I'm so sad today. Mama nvr work today cause Papa's doctor wants to see her. Ma called me in the afternoon and said that Pa's kidney's weren't gd. & the doctor wants me to donate one of mine to him. ): It's not that i don't want to donate.. I'm scared, i don't want to go for operation. ): What am i suppose to do? )):

Was going to cry when i knew about it. I know that there's baby and my sisters will be there for me, so i controlled my tears till now. If i donate, i won't be able to cheer anymore, do other stuffs like other teenagers do because my body's gonna be weaker. My body's alr weak now, how am i suppose to live after the donation? If i don't donate, i will see Pa suffer by going dialysis. ): I don't know what to do.. Sigh.

How i wish time would rewind back till when Pa's condition were better. I would definitely advice him to eat more heathily etc. ): Wish god will heal him soon. Prays. ):

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Stop the time,

Hi! Currently in class doing nothing nowzx. Was suppose to do Ppt but i don't understand a single shit about today's Maths topic! Holyshitzx. Somemore our team damn powerpack = Me, Banbee, Jason, Terence & another malay guy who nvr come. Jason left during 1st meeting, so left we 3. (!!!!!!) Now both of the guys went for lunch and we havent even started on our ppt!!!!!!! GODZX.

I really wonder how our ppt's gonna be like during 3rd meeting. God bless me please. D: Anyway, gonna leave straight after presenting. Going Coach Willie & Felicia's wedding in the evening! Haha, congrats manzx. :D Will post photos tmr. (: My baby's still sleeping like a stupid pig, somebody wake him up please!!!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Time flies,

Hiyo! :D

Last fri,

  • Went chalet at Downtown.
  • Was raining damn heavily but stopped awhile ltr. (:
  • Bbq-ed, ate like sotzx.
  • Went back room & played daidi.
  • Drank alcohol, then homed.


Last Sat,

  • Met Bibi & went to buy tickets.
  • Nebo next for Lunch.
  • for Dota & L4D 2.
  • Went to watch Ninja Assasin. Nice show okeh! ^^

  • Went to eat dinner at market aftermath.
  • Went to Dota again then homed. (:



  • Church in the morning.
  • Rotted at home like idiot.
  • Tv-ed & slept.
  • Went downstairs to have dinner with parents.
  • Made Oreo iceblend. :D


Curently in class nowzx. Faci's not here today, so there's a relieve faci. & She's a INDIAN. Okay, nothing wrong with indians but she has a super strong ahneh slang & so, it's super difficult to understand what she's trying to say. -.- Wanted to run but Bibi's sleeping & A doesn't want to run. D: So gonna leave once ppt's over. (:

Friday, November 27, 2009


Hiho! Partial-ed ytd then cab-ed to Bibi's hse. Slept while waiting for him to make Muffin+Cookie+Cupcake for me! Haha, don't know what is it either. But it tasted great! HAHAHA. He's so happy cause it's the first time he made Muffin+Cookie+Cupcake & was sucessful. Haha, loveyou! :D

Dota-ed then he went to prepare. Bought Tiantianwu then walked to Mrt. Trained to Yewtee for training. Trained home after training. (:

Mama took leave today to accompany me to my dental appointment. Haha, love you mama! :D Ma trained to Woodlands with me & wanted to walk me to Rp but i told her i'll walk myself there instead. I'll start to be independent.. Wonder how life will be like if Bibi left.... ): Anyway, currently in class now. Nobody is free to go break with me. ): I feel like i'm all alone in sch.....How i wish Sh & Wh's in our sch too....D: But Victor's kind enough to accompany me gp buy waffle, thanks alot! :D

Going dota after sch with Bibi. (: Wish the time would rewind, rewind to the times that everyone was so close, at least closer than how it is now.

Overdued photos! :D

Customized the cap below for Bibi! :D NICE RIGHT. HAHAHAHAHA. ^^

</a><br /><br /> <img src=

Was bored the other day so played with my hair. LOL. But think there's no difference. -.-


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A lil more,

Hiyo! Didn't update for few days alr. Lazylazylazy ~~~ 

20Nov, Last Friday.

  • Bugis after sch with Sh.
  • Went to collect the cap i customized for Bibi! :D
  • Trained back to Amk aftermath.
  • Walked to Bibi's working place to pass him the cap.
  • Walked back to central.
  • Eat, L4D 2, corked alot then homed! (:


More photos in my phone, dumb bluetooth doesn't wanna work! Will post the rest of the photos when i go home!

21Nov, Last Saturday.

  • Went to meet Bibi at 4plus.
  • Watched A Christmas Carol. Not a really nice show. D:


  • L4D 2 then homed! (:


22Nov, Last Sunday.

  • Church in the morning.
  • Hub with Mama then met A.
  • Trained down to Cck to meet the person to collect our 'ilovecheerleading' tee.
  • Karine came to take the rest of the clothes home & ate Pastamania with her.
  • She went home while we headed down to IMM.
  • Met the girl to collect our bags.
  • Trained back to Amk while A went home.
  • Met Bibi then L4D 2 & Dota.
  • Homed after that! :D


23Nov, Yesterday.

  • Trained to Woodlands with A & Shermaine.
  • Decided to not go sch. LOL.
  • Stand outside Mrt damn long, dk where to go.
  • A's classmates slowly came.
  • Trained to Amk tgt to meet Bibi.
  • 9 of us went Central's market for lunch then went to watch Raging Phoenix. Nice show! :D

  • A few of them left after that show, the rest headed to Kpool.
  • Pooled then A & her classmates left.
  • Bibi & me went for Dota! :D
  • Bused home after that.


24Nov, Today.

  • Sch as normal.
  • Bored like asshole shit. -.-
  • Many classmates partialed. D:
  • Might be dota-ing with Bibi ltr on after sch before heading home. (: