
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

As days go by,

Hello! Didn't update this few days as i'm busy watching shows. HAHAHA. When for match last fri. SAF vs Tampanis, 0 - 0. It's a draw! (: At least our players didn't recieve their medals and cup with a sad face. Haha. Anyway, SAF won the S-league alr. ^^ Many bald heads were there as 2000 Spore Arm Forces army guys came to support. (: Needa stay back late as we need to act some scene with the Djs for the opening of S-league next yr. LOL. Cab-ed home at Cck. :D Pa & Jason said they saw me on tv. I look damn retarded, wtf. -.- 

Sat was Halloween! :D Didn't celebrate Halloween this yr againzx. Went prawning with Bi, Jason & Felicia. (: Trained to Punggol then cab-ed to the place. Super difficult to prawn there, will make you go mad. LOL. Caught 18prawns in total then bbq the prawns. Arcade awhile while waiting for the shuttle bus. Alighted at Sengkang Mrt then trained to Bishan. Cab-ed ohome from there. (:

Spent my Sunday at home all the way. Church in the morning then watched show all the way till night. Was having a bad headache. D: Ma helped me to massage my head. Haha, loveyou Ma! :D

Ytd spent my whole day in sch watching show only. LOL. It's like other things didn't exist except my laptop. -.- Watched till sch ended then went back home to continue again. Super sot i know. Finally finished watching last night. (:

Marketing today! Plus there's Cog UT today, wtf. Didn't even saw any alphabets on the paper that Cog faci gave us. -.- Sianhalf, i scared i fall asleep during UT. -.- Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON! :D 19 alr, SO OLD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

Will post all the photos SOON! ^^


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