
Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yesterday, was freaking tired and couldn't get my ass out of bed. So decided to give sch a miss again. Prepared & waited for Tkl to lombang me over to Bishan as he's taking cab. Met A & Kevan at Pastamania. Had our lunch there then went over to Swensons to collect A's mother's birthday cake.

Cab-ed over to A's hse to pass the cake to her maid. Cab-ed to Compasspoint thereafter. Headed to Sengkang polyclinic to register first then went to Compasspoint. Walked around till approx 1hr then back to Polyclinic to get my MC. Sat outside the polyclinic and corked for few hours. Sh came to find us soon after.

Went back to Compasspoint's Ajisen for dinner. And Kevan's soup got a small dead cockroach!!!!! FREAKING DISGUSTING I SWEAR. The manager apologized and didn't count the ramen Kevan was eating and gave us 10% discount. (: Anyway, walked around for awhile then Kevan left while we cab A home then the rest of us headed back to Amk.

Walked around like idiots then went Fountain to slack. Wh and Adrian came soon after. Homed around 11pm. :D

Today, bused to Hub as it's raining damn heavily. Sch's as bitch as ever, damn bored!! Had UT after sch, dead. Homed aftermath. There's sch tmr, suckkkkkkkkkk.

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