
Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hiyaaaaa! I'm being a lazybum this few days. Days were fine except for some reasons. Sch as usual except for some days. Lol.

Last Sat, Siewkiang's birthday celebration!
  • Kevan & Tkl cab-ed over to my hse here to fetch me in the afternoon and to Cine as it was raining.
  • Walked around then heard that ShowLuo, 罗志祥, was at Scape's new open Stage shop.
  • Went over to seeseelooklook, he's damn omfg handsome!!!!!!!!
  • Went back to Cine then to Kpool for billard.
  • Sat outside Cine while waiting for the rest to come. Adrian came soon after.
  • Hk XinWang next to sit first while waiting for, Sk, Xinni to reach.
  • Ordered food once they reached.
  • Seperated with them after eating and headed to meet Kw, Jm & Don.
  • Walked around Ion then to TCC to for drinks & find Cindy.
  • Waited for her to end her work then met up with Baby at Somerset Mrt.
  • Homed after that. (:
Last Sunday, Happy 2years Anni, baby!
  • Met up with Baby then to Hub to buy our tix for Eclipse!
  • Nebo for lunch and didn't have time to eat my icecream, so told them that we'll be back for my icecream after our movie.
  • Went to watch Eclispe & it was a fantastic movie!!! ^^
  • Movie ended, headed back to Nebo for my icecream.
  • Trained to Town aftermath. Walked around Fareast then trained back to Amk.
  • Raiders for Dota then bus-ed down to Melben for dinner around 9pm.
  • Cousin was working on that day, let her try the crab as she didn't ate before. Damn yummy ~
  • Waited for Cousin to end work while Baby went home to change.
  • Bus-ed back to Hub with Cousin and her working friend.
  • Her friend left while we decided to go opp Hub's blk to slack.
  • Waited for Baby to okay then met Baby, Kw, Jm, Don & Leefong at taxistand while Cousin went home.
  • Cab-ed down to Explorer for WC 2010.
  • Pooled with Baby while waiting for the match to start.
  • Almost fall asleep while watching the match because it's a 0-0 draw all the way until the extra time that was given & Spain finally scored!
  • Like a bitch only, i thought Holland will win!!
  • Anyway, cab-ed home aftermath around 5+ am.
  • Slept at around 6am.
Monday, woke up at 12pm and went to prepare. Studied then trained to sch with Adrian. Like a bitch only, waste my time going to sch for UT for only 45mins!!! Met Cousin & Baby at Amk after that. Had our dinner at KFC then back to Hub. Walked around then Baby needa book in. Stucked at O2Skin with Cousin, bought quite a few stuffs!, Jasmine & Tkl came to find us after that. Walked around then accompanied to Mac for her dinner. They cab-ed home aftermath while me & Jasmine walked home tgt.

Tuesday, sch then homed as per normal.

Yesterday, skipped sch.
  • Sumohse for lunch with A & Kevan.
  • Headed to Kpool for pooling session aftermath.
  • Hub to walk around then waited for Cousin to come.
  • Seperated with them then trained down to Orchard.
  • Fareast to buy our stuffs.
  • Graffiti Cafe for our dinner then trained back to Amk.
  • Homed after that.
  • Dota-ed with Tkl for 1 round then went to bed.
Today, nothing insteresting happened. Lol! Waited for Kevan to end his UT with A then homed! :D Will upload photos soon, stay tuned! ^^

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