
Sunday, July 04, 2010


Hi there! Partialled on Friday with Kevan! Trained back to Amk then took a bus to Kl's hse downstairs. That bastard seriously slow!!!!!!! So went up to knock on his door and waited for him to okay. Anyway, rotted there for hours then cab-ed to HajiLane as it was raining. Had Seesha session after that. Corked alot, thanks guys! :D

Walked back to Bugis Junction around 6pm. Went Nydc for dinner then to for Bishibashi! Hahahaha. Long time since i've played. Both of them out so fast, HAHAHA. Trained back to Amk aftermath. Decided to go Goodspeed for L4D. Played then Kl's friends came to join us. Homed around 11plus. (:

Met up with A to Ndp rehearsal Ytd. Our boyf's parents were ps-ed by us. LOL. Anyway, seperated from them and sat alone ourselves. We were so sway to reach there and it started raining. Put on our ponchos immediately. Lol! Didn't take much pictures of the parade as the rain just don't wanna stop. Shall let pictures do the talking.

Fyi, there's really a person hanging upside down on the circle thing below the huge star!

Left halfway as we really bueytahan the uncomfortable-ness alr. Lol! Walked back to Mrt then trained to Orchard. Waited for Fabian to come meet us then to Gucci as he wanna buy his bag. Bought then walked back to Mrt to meet Baby & Liulian. Trained back Amk tgt. Ll left while we 4 went over to my hse there for dinner/supper. Love Stingrays!! :D Homed after that. (:

Church in the morning then back home. Just finish 2 rounds of Dotaing with Baby, Jm & Des. ^^ Just back from dinner with parents downstairs. Waiting for Tkl for Dota, i wonder how long he wants me to wait now!!!!!!

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