
Sunday, October 02, 2011


Hi there! How're you guys? Days for me were great except for some occasions. One bad news was i'm dismissed from Rp. Mum called me when i was in the gym with Maddy, what a news to spoil my mood. Anyway, went for the appeal meeting last friday already. If can, i'll be back in Rp if not i'm going to SIM. Ohwell, kinda dislike Rp.....but, i'll miss my friends there tho!

So yeap, had been spending my days with Bby, Maddy, Laura&Royce and Virginia cousin! There's a day where i'm out with Bby, Virginia and her friend. Had Sakaesushi for dinner at Bugis then Bby & me headed to Cineleisure to meet up with Laura&Royce! Madeline&Yuwei came down too and we all headed over to Kpool to kill time cause i'll movie's still long. So yeah, TripleDates!! Hehehehe. Camwhored while waiting for the guys to end their Billard!!

It was raining heavily after our movie and we're stucked at Cine. Luckily there's cab that turn into the part where there's shelter for us to board. Shall blog about my birthday in the next entry, stay tunez!! ^^

Goodnight, with love!! 

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