
Friday, October 28, 2011


Hello! Life's pretty much fine to me i guess? I've been going to school everyday because i'm forced to........but at least i get to partial! Hehehe. Had been partialling for a number of times and headed over to Baby's place. Recently our lives were pretty standard, School for me > Eat > Dota > Sleep > Eat > Dota > Sleep! I'm becoming a fat pig, eating and eating non-stop! :(

So well, partialled again today with Kenny. He drove me to Baby's place and the same routine starts all over again. Lol! Caught The Three Musketeers just now at AmkHub, there's part 2 for this show ~ Anyway, great movie! Hahaha.
Found this while scrolling through Facebook's newsfeed. I find it damn true!!!!! In another words, it's Karma tho. I don't really believe in Karma previously but after a few incidents some time ago, i guess i got to believe already! And i think i'm lucky to get to watch ~ Hehehe, sounds kinda bad but.....ohwell, Karma, bitches. :)


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