
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love days like this,

Hello guys! It's Wed again today, so baby came over my place this morning. Prepared & all then waited for Amanda & Chris to be done.

They came to pick us up then drove to Town. Camwhored while waiting for them to reach!

It seems like we went quite a number of branded shops today, lol. Baby bought his Gucci bag and bought me and himself one pair of Birkenstock! Hehehe, thanks baby!! Had sudden cravings for Sushi, so we went to SakaeSushi for dinner! Yumz, still prefer Suki Sushi tho. Lol! Amanda & Chris left after dinner while we cabbed back to baby's place.

Was suppose to head to V4 for drinking session but baby's friend called him last minute and said it's cancelled. So watched tv at his place, rest awhile then cabbed home! While browsing through the photos, i think baby really look like a butch in some of the photos above. Hahahahaha LOL. It's 2:42am now, shall head to bed real soon.

Goodnight guys, much love! 

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