
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sick and tired.


Didn't do my ppt slides and Rj ytd.
Rushed off to meet Jy.
Caught Transformers 2 at Amk hub.
Superb nice movie indeed! :D
Met Adrian & A at Mrt.
Jy went back home while we three headed to Yewtee.
Was having a REALLY BAD headache.
Feels as if my head was really going to blow off any minute.
Rest there till training ended.
Had no appetite to eat so gave my food to Adrian.
A accompanied me to wait for cab.
Cab-ed home alone after that.
Thanks A! (:
Parents came down to pay for the cab-fare.
They then sent me to Mount A. to see a doctor.
Waited for damn super long there.
& it's feezing coldddd.
Doctor said that i've Tension headache.
Because of Stress, lack of sleep & not eating.
Homed at 12plus.

Woke up around 2plus today.
Wanted to go Match but A couldn't make it.
Mama don't want me to go also.
So didn't go.
I wanna be stress-free.
Smiles! :D

I want a changed you, not bad to worse but worse to good.
I want to be stress-free everyday.
Being happy instead of angry & sad.
I guess i'm over-stressed because of this.
Hope you really can change for the better.

I want you to change for life not changing for one or two days.
I want you to keep your promise not breaking it every now and then.
Think about how i feel before you do anything.
If i were to treat you back like what you did to me, i don't think you'll feel gd either.
Lastly, really hope you can really listen to what me and others said.

Bye! (:

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