
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!



Sch as usual.
Went for match at night at Jalan Besar Stadium.
Super alot of botaks there.
Singapore Arm Forces army guys all went too.
Ending was 1 - 1.
Had extra 1-2 hr of time because it was the finals alr.
But both teams still maintain the score.
So penalty shots instead.
Okay, we lost by 1 goals.
I admit their Goalkeeper's gd.
But i still dislike them.
Super abcdefg. zzz
Reached home around 12plus.
Didn't have the time to do Rj. -.-

Ayu's son. Damn cute i swear! Haha.

Look at Ika behind! Haha.

Youngest chinese cheerleader!

My cute base, Nadia! :D

SAF WARRIORS! Doing their warm-ups.


Out with Sh.
Superb long since i've went out with her.
Headed to Town.
Finally bought my super chiozxzxzx wallet! :D
Walked around then to Fareast.
Shopped & we didn't buy anything. -.-
Slacked there then walked over to Cine.
Walked round & round then went to eat Korean food.
Ate, corked then left Cine.
Walked over to Centrepoint there the Starbucks.
Slacked then trained back to Amk.
Met Baby at Mrt then went to meet Amanda to collect my clothes. (:
Accompany Sh to wait for her bus then walked home.

Sunday, today.

Church in the morning.
Homed after that.
Tv-ed all the wayyyyyyyy.
There's sch tmr.

Bye! :D

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