
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

19th Birthday, Part2! ♥

Hi there, was woken up from my beauty sleep for like approx 5times today!! Mad angst, Rp and Mum kept calling like nobody's business. So yeap, i'm back to Rp!! School's officially starting tomorrow and yeah, kinda excited but i don't feel like going school. Grrrrr.

Anyway, will continue second part of my birthday. So we went back home to prepare & everything after checking out at StudioM Hotel. Baby came to my place to wait for me to be done then headed over to Small S to meet up with Laura&Royce for breakfast! Cab-ed to USS aftermath ~ Went to collect our tickets then in we go, mad excited!!

The weather's terribly warm!! Totally gonna die under the hot sun, lol. Camwhored like no tomorrow, hahaha. They kept wanting to find the magic potion bottle, and i don't understand why? LOL. So yeap, Laura's mad crazy idea to sit the Madagascar ride which was super.............omg. Hahahhaha. Basically camwhoring all the way while sitting the ride, lol.

Went to walked around after that. Finally found their magic potion bottle, forgotten to snap a pic of it! Maybe some other photos have the bottle inside. Lol. So walked until the Ancient Egypt zone, snap some photos then went to play the indoor rollarcoaster ride! Shiok like hellz, hahahhahahha! 

Next will be the red and blue rollar coaster ride!! Played the red one first then the blue, both like a shiokkkkkkz ~ Hehehehe. Walked over to the WaterWorld to watch some water show. At first we were sitting at the splash zone, and the people around us were drenched!! They can even take the water host and just wash somebody's hair, LOL. So we decided to sit at the safe zone instead. The show's damn amazing!! Went to watch shrek's 4D show after that. Was feeling mad hungry so went to some foodcourt there to eat. Food was pretty expensive in there. Rest awhile till all of us fell asleep, LOL. 

Was mad tired, so left there around 6plus! Cab-ed back to Baby's place, slept awhile then woke up. KFC for supper! Hehehe. 

Was freaking bloated, rest awhile then cab-ed home! Super maximum tired but overall i enjoyed my days!! Mad love my Babyboy! Hehehehe. Thanks to those who wished me through Text/Facebook/Twitter! :)

Okay, back to today............So, i've not prepared for school yet. My holidays seemed to be so short. :( My next holiday's at 16th December?! Freaking long ley, wth!! Ohwell, goodluck to me! Can't skip classes anymore and i hope i'll have the determination to go to school everyday. Gonna sleep early tonight, body clock needa change back to the right time!

Goodnight all 

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