
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

19th Birthday, Part1! ♥

Hello guys! Was suppose to go for dental appointment this morning, but had to change it last minute because i don't think there's a point going down when i've not wear my retainers for months! So, went back to bed then woke up in the early afternoon, prepared then to Baby's place. So yeap, school's reopening tomorrow and i've yet to know whether my appeal's successful or not! Shall not care much and stay home to wait for the results tomorrow.

Well, spent my 19th birthday at StudioM hotel and Universal Studios Singapore this year! Enjoyed both days and special thanks to my beloved Babyboy for doing so much for me! Hehehe, love him much! He booked StudioM 2D1N for me on 27thSept, had coffee while waiting for his brother to check-in for us!

Rested awhile in the room then decided to go out to explore! Walked to the nearest 7-11 to buy drinks and tidbits back to munch on before having our dinner! ^^

Watched a few shows which were shown in StarMovies then walked over to RobertsonQuay there to have our dinner! Was considering which place to have our dinner and finally settled down at Royal Tien Xiang Restaurant. Bad service as there's not much workers working there, plus the soup's damn super salty! It's like drinking salt?! Asked the waitress to add hot water into the soup for us and it tasted much better.

Walked around then back to Hotel aftermath! Rest for awhile while we booked our USS tickets for the next day. Caught some shows in funshion too. Went to shower and we tried the bathrobes that were provided, hahahahaha!

Phone started to ring like nobody's business when the clock hit 12am. Lol, had to silent my phone the whole night! Even got woken up by the vibration my phone made. Checked out early in the morning at 8.30am then cab-ed home to prepare and everything for our USS trip! Shall blog about our USS trip the next post, stay tuned ~ 

Goodnight, ♥.

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