
Friday, February 05, 2010

Train hard, brain cells!

Today's the LASTDAY of school! Although i'm happy that it's finally HOLIDAYS, but i was sad because i'm really gonna miss W47C! AmandaTeo even print our photos and wrote letter for everyone. Yes, EVERYONE. :D Thanks Amanda, love you! (:


Didi - She's the one who hugged me & consoled me the very first time when i cried in class. Saw her at EscapeTP & gave me a hug again. Our class's hyperactive one! Haha, loveyou! (:

Amanda - She's my camwhore partner in class! Hahaha. Thanks for your sweet letter and photo! Love you teooooooo. :D

Jason & Banbee - They're the ones who i've hang out with the most, including going out tgt with Baby. The trip to EscapeTp & prawning is fun! Haha. Lastlong with your girlfs you both! (:

Terence - Rarely talked to him until idk how many weeks then started talking as we're in the same team. Treated me & Amanda peanuts when i'm hungry. Hahaha. Thanks man! Always chatting about 海派甜心 too! Haha. :D

Reuben - The one who is very good with lappy problems and stuffs! Haha. Thanks for the games & shows. (:

Not forgetting the rest of W47C, thanks for everything! Especially when i didn't contribute & you'll still gave me slides to do and teach me what to say during presentations! :D


Anyway, started presentation at 12pm instead of 1.30pm. Ended school around 1.30pm when everyone just started their presentations. Hahaha. Faci treated us Mac! :D Waited for A, Shermaine & Adrian to okay then to briefing for Cyphercamp & OrientationCamp 2010. All of us were selected for the student leader! HAHAHAHAHA.

Cab-ed to Admiralty then trained back to Amk with A & Adrian. Headed to buy bbt then to Adrian's hse. He taught me Marketing! Thanks uh! :D Went over to Fountain while Adrian went to find Sk. Slacked there & played games in A's itouch! Ohmy, she's tempting me to buy one too!!!!!! Homed around 8pm.

There's Communication UT tmr! Hate it, why can't it be on weekdays?! Suck. Studied just now & made N-O-T-E-S! A was shocked as i actually made notes for exams! Hahahahahahahaha. Goodgirl okay! :D

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