
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tell Me When,

Father fetched me to Mrt today to meet A. (: Trained to school then A's friend taught us some Maths problems. Was doing Ut halfway & my phone started to vibrate. Thought it was Baby who replied but no, it's Adrian! He left class so early!!!! I'm like still doing my Ut halfway & i think the time still left 1hr. LOL.

Headed to Cwp for Pasta with A & Adrian. Told Adrian what to do for Valentines day while we're in the train to our respective places. Hahaha! He alighted at Amk while i alighted at Orchard. A continued her journey to Raffles. Went to find Mummy then walked around Taka.

Wanted to find the place that sells Itouch but couldn't find. Called A many times but she didn't pick!!!!!! Didn't buy in the end. ): Trained back to Amk then to Ntuc. Mummy bought her stuffs then wanted to cab home but the queue's damn long! Decided to bus back instead. (:

2 more Ut's to go then it's ChineseNewYear! :D Hahaha, can't wait! Gonna go watch my 妻子的诱惑 already. Lovelove! (:

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