
Thursday, January 07, 2010


Yoyo. Went swimming ytd at A's condo. Sh & Wh came to find us awhile ltr. Sh can't swim cause she laiang. Super suay. Anyway, played with A's sister also. Damn funny. Haha. Her sister left for tuition around 7pm. Continued swimming with A & Wh. Did tumblings in the pool etc, laughed like some crazy assholes. HAHHAHAHAHA.

Went to bathe around 8plus. Headed to somewhere near A's hse for dinner. Ate while A went to fetch her sis from tuition. Slacked awhile then A & her sis went home while we cab-ed home. Damn tired when i reached home, bueytahan. LOL.

Pardon my disgusting hair & face. -.-

Woke up late today & met A at Mrt. She wasn't feeling well & was almost fainting! Scare me sial, so we alighted at Yck. Called her father to come fetch her home. Cab-ed to sch after that. Waiting for Sh & Wh to wake up now!!!!!!!!! Asked dog to partial with me if not i will be walking in the streets alone like some idiot. LOL. Needa wait for him to end briefing also. Super sian!!!

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