
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Some outdated instagram pictures..

Instagram: @TheresaAlisonz

Goodmorning! It's wednesday already and it's a public holiday this friday so's TGIT tommorow!! Lol. Was planning another impromptu overseas trip with Cousin and Bby this coming weekends cause it's a long weekend this week. But.....because of HariRaya, most flights were fully booked, even coaches! We from wanting to go Bkk think till M'sia then to Taiwan and still didn't find any good flight timings or it's all sold out :( Ended up booking a hotel in S'pore to spend our long weekends away from home.

Anyway, met up with Cousin and Bby yesterday after work at Vivo! Cousin was feeling down cause of her r/s, first ever time i see her getting affected by r/s problems. Guess no matter how strong the person might be, will also have their weak moments. Headed over to Modesto's for dinz and some drinks.

Their pizza's were greeaaattttttt! Will definitely be back for more, hehe. Homed after that as we have work tomorrow. Huihui's on MC today and this means i'm all alone today in the office doing...........nothing LOL. Gonna rot my day away ~ Will blog about my KualaLumpur trip as well as Malacca trip soon really soon. Meanwhile, have a awesome long weekends ahead, x.

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