
Friday, October 19, 2012

Mudane working life.

Semester 1 ended quite some time ago. Was suppose to graduate with my other repeat year 4 students but i still had another Fyp to go and worse of all, CE talks to attend. Find it damn ridiculous of Rp for 'forcing' us to attend talks as one of the critiria for graduating!!! Anyway, i'm so glad that i'm able to pass and clear all my modules especially Financial Accounting - the killer module. Whatever it is, i don't have to attend UTs and the 15weeks of classes for the rest of my life already! Woooohooooo.

Soooooo, it's been 5months since i've blogged? In case you've forgotten how i look..................Pics from Instagram below.

I guess i've officially grown up now. From the super extremely spoilt child that always gets what i want, wasting days going out or staying home doing useless stuffs despite there's no school and the one who depends so much (yes, i know it's veryveryvery much) on others and is extremely not independent at all........guess what? I'VE STARTED WORKING ON MY OWN! Not working together with any of my friends, and i actually experienced eating alone during lunch when i've just started work where i don't know anyone of them in the company. :( Almost all were shocked, even my Aunt whatsapp me a compo stating how glad they were. Oh well, i guess this is life isn't it? Everyone will grow up, eventually. So, few weeks ago i've gotten my very first pay and till then, i knew how heartaching was it to spend on unnescessary stuffs and wasting hard earn money like that.

Anyway, i'm currently working at BCS Information System now. It's like affiliated to the diploma course i'm taking, lol. It's by coincidence tho. Doing project again even when i'm not in But i still love my job, especially my Project manager, HuiHui. Sticking to her like a glue everyday cause i'm her assistant.

My 20th birthday was spent at Kuala Lumpur with my boy. 2 of us, exploring the place and i actually able to walk for more than 12hrs!! Wore flats that day and i feet was hurting real badly due to walking for too long. Shall elaborate further when i post about my birthday in the next upcoming post.

Stay tuned and help me to click on my nuffnang advertisements pretty please!
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Instagram: Search @TheresaAlisonz

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