
Friday, May 22, 2009


Happy Birthday to Sabina & Karine! :D

So many ppl's birthday today.
Amelia's sis & classmate's birthday falls on today as well.
Anyway, i'm currently in classssssssssssss.
Rp sent another letter to my hse again.
This time the letter states down that i skipped class for 6 times.
Worse still is that this time round, my mother saw the letter!!
They barked like mad dogs ytd. -.-
Okay, whateverzxzxzxzx.
I am so S-T-R-E-S-S now.
Hate enterprise, seriously!
Went for a talk just now with my whole class.
Bored like chicken. -.-
Fell asleep while the lecturer/speaker is talking.
Went back class after that.
Presenting SOON.


Continued, 10:37pm.

End sch around 4.45pm today!!!
It was suppose to be 3.30pm!!
A went for her Organ lesson alr while Adrian left with Karine & Wilson can't wait any longer.
Was asking around the class who's walking to Mrt.
Lucky Yang's walking there too so walked tgt.
Met Baby at Mrt then trained back to Amk.
Ate then played L4D. (:
Homed awhile ltr.
Didn't attend Cheer today as i'm feeling v.tired. ):
& I just finished my RJ.
I am feeling v.tired now!!
Shagzxzxzxzx everyday! D:
Ohyeah, didn't go to Sabina's chalet too.
Sorry my dear!
Hope you enjoy your day okeh! :D

Bye! (:

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