
Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm back!

Follow me on Twitter/Instagram/GifBoom: @TheresaAlisonz 

Hi, it's been...4months since i've last blogged. Sorry, was just being too lazy and kinda lost the feel of blogging almost everyday. So yeap, life's pretty good for me recently. Retained in Rp and it's Year4 for me, can't wait to hurry and get out of this school. Only 2 days of school in a week, so hope my attendance wouldn't be as bad as the previous semester! Poly friends all graduated, seeing them graduating when i'm not makes me feel kinda disappointed in myself for not doing better. Ohwell, hope i'll really graduate next year!

Baby went to serve army already, it means i've to go through this process again for 2yrs...... But at least baby get to stayover my place over the weekends when he books out! Hehe. This saturday marks our 1year 2nd month anniversary, how fast time flies isn't it? Really couldn't believe we actually get to walk this path together for so long. In the very beginning, everyone doesn't seem to have positive comments of us being together as we only get to know each other for FOUR days. Yes, i don't even know why did i agreed to get together with him too. But who knows, we actually made it through and he's definitely someone that i can't live without. 

Had a bad start for this semester as my laptop's hard disk crashed and everything's gone!!! Pictures, Musics, Schoolwork, EVERYTHING!!! Was super depressed when i knew i can't retrieve back all that i've lost.. Should have backed up whatever i had in my laptop once a while. Until now, i've yet to download all the pictures i uploaded in facebook and whatever that i've uploaded in. Laptop's like super empty now. 

Awaiting for baby to book out tomorrow and we'll continue dota-ing our nights away and having fattening supper! Have a great weekends ahead, goodnight! 

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