
Saturday, September 17, 2011


Hi there, a week past really quickly isn't it? This means that i've not updated my blog for a week. OH, AND I FINALLY GOT MY HAIR DYED!! HAHAHAHA. Anyway, had shopping date with Madeline last Friday. Metup with her at AmkHub then to ToastBox for CurryChickenRice! Yummyz ~

I'm feeling hungry now already! Ohgodz. So yeap, headed down to Cineleisure after our brunch! You know, when girls are in the toilet with camera........camwhoring starts. Scroll down if you're sick of our faces, hehehe.

Walked around then Baby came to meet us! Accompanied him to buy his clothes then decided to cab down to Bugis to get his shorts. 

Bought our movie tickets for 'Johnny English Reborn' at BugisJunction aftermath then went to have frolicks! So long since i've ate, hehehe. Maddy left awhile ltr while we went for our movie.

Mad awesome movie!! Super hilarious, couldn't stop laughing!! Cab-ed home after movie as baby was feeling tired. Camwhored in the cab again, hehehe.

Just got home from Amkhub, caught 'Crazy Stupid Love' with Baby after his work. 

Movie was......hmm, average only. Baby fell asleep while watching, tsktsk! Poor baby, feeling so lethargic everyday because of work. :(  Love him muchz!

Goodnight guys 

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