
Saturday, September 11, 2010

A dream,

Hello! Had a busy week. Monday was the starting of UT, shag maxzxzx. Super lazy to wake up everyday, omg. So yeah, went to Adrian's place to study with Kevan last sunday! Studied & camwhored a little. Hahahaha. Shall upload photos tmr!! :D

Met A & Sher and headed to sch. Homed after that. (:

Same routine, headed over to A's place to study. Her cousin taught us Database, super difficult. Cab-ed home around 10plus. :D

Same routine again, then went back Amk with Kevan. Met up with Adrian soon after then he left again. Went over to find Tkl. Adrian came back to find us again then waited for Tkl to finish dyeing his hair. LOL. Sumohse for dinner then headed over to 344 to find Sh & Wh while Kevan went home. (: Corked awhle Tkl sent over to Gerv's place. Put my bag at his place then went over to A's hse to find her.

  • Slacked & corked at the bbq area. 
  • A left around 12plus then Cousin came to find us.
  • Cab-ed to HgPlaza around 2plus for pooling session.
  • Saw Kw, Jm & co there too! 
  • Had Pontien WantanMee aftermath, me like! (Y)
  • Slacked around there aftermath. 
  • Walked back to Gerv's hse area's playground.
  • Cousin left around 6plus.
  • Headed to kopitiam for breakfast around 7plus! 
  • Cab-ed home after that at around 8plus.


  • Slept till 5plus in the evening when i reached home.
  • Had dinner downstairs with Parents.
  • They fetched me over to A's hse after that.
  • Metup with A then headed over to Gerv's hse downstairs to meet him & Heidi.
  • Kevan came to find us soon after.
  • Chatted awhile then we sent Heidi to Buangkok Mrt.
  • Bought food/drinks etc after that then went back to A's hse bbq area to slack.
  • Started to rain after awhile then we shifted places.
  • A went home around 2am, while Me & Gerv sent Kevan to take cab.
  • Walked over to Buangkok Mrt there with Gerv, sat on the stairs and talked. (I think we damn crazy.)
  • Didn't know where to go, so walked around Hg area.
  • Ended up at HgPlaza, LOL. So we decided to go Fairprice. (Actually, idk why the hell we go in?!)
  • Sat inside the trolley while Gerv pushed. Super retarded max, omg. 
  • Took magazines to read while Gerv pushed me around the whole 2lvl Fairprice?!?!?! (SUPER CRAZY.)
  • Left & went outside to sit. Made Gerv seriously shocked & traumatized for like 15mins by asking him to try sth. LOL!
  • Went to eat Pontien WantanMee again!!!!!!! Hehehehehehe. (Y)
  • Walked around HgPlaza and Hg area after that & saw the policecar 3 times everywhere we went. LOL.
  • Walked back to the playground we went last night. 
  • We fell asleep at the playground after awhile, super shagzx.
  • I woke up after 15mins?! Stared at the clouds, super relaxing & idk why. Thinking of manymany things too. 
  • Looking around, staring at the sky for 2whole hrs while Gerv was still sleeping, OMG.
  • He eventually woke up around 7am then went back to his place.
  • I slept in his Sister's room while he went to bed also. 
  • Woke up around 10am because of all the drilling sounds!!!!!!!! 
  • Gerv woke up too because he also counldn't take it. LOL.
  • Chatted awhile then went to Kopitiam for lunch.
  • Headed to a Voiddeck to slack aftermath.
  • Cab-ed home around 2plus in the afternoon!! Damn tired, omg.
  • Reached home then slept till 4plus & phone started to vibrate like nobody's business. OMG. 
  • Went to prepare then met Sh at her hse downstairs.
  • Trained down to Vivo, A came soon after. 
  • Walked around, bought their stuffs then slacked outside.
  • Took the last train back Amk with Sh.
  • Met Adrian awhile at the bridge.
  • Homed aftermath.
Woke up and was shocked that it's alr 5pm?!?!?!?! LOL. Stayed home whole day today. Church tmr, TIRED................... 

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