
Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hello readers, i'm back from MIA again! Spent this few days with Cousin, Tkl, T.Sh, Sh, Adrian & Kevan. It's enough to have them with me, ♥.

Last friday, drinking session over at Adrian's place with Tkl & Cousin. Super crazy night, all the seh kaaaazx. HAHAHAHAHA. Adrian really cmi & super obscene, omg. came over after her work. Cab-ed home around 12plus.

Last Saturday, slept till evening then met Sh, Tkl & Adrian. Had Sukisushi for dinner then went Raiders for L4D2. Homed aftermath.

Last Sunday, church in the morning then homed. Slept till afternoon then met Sh, Tkl, Adrian. Headed over to Cine. Caught 'The Last Airbender'.

I think the show v.nice ley, although some ppl say it's lame? LOL. Hk Xinwang Cafe for dinner then Tkl left. Walked around Town then trained back to Amk. Met Kevan then headed over to Fountain there to slack. Cousin came over to find us, corked then homed. (:

Yesterday, Cousin woke me up from my beauty sleep!!! Went to prepare while she went home to prepare also. Went to meet Sh then headed over to Blk700+ to wait for Adrian, Kevan & Cousin to reach. Trained over to Vivo. Walked around, slacked then Tkl came. Had dinner at Superdog then decided to go Sentosa at 7pm?! LOL.

Sat at the beach there & corked. Dk which crazy person asked us to play Ice&Water?! End up all running like some crazy assholezx. Lucky i didn't run, HAHAHAHAHAHA. Last min decision to go Kbox after that. So cab-ed back to Amk. Sh left halfway while we sang till 2am. Cab-ed home aftermath. :D

Went to Adrian's hse just now to meet him & Kevan. Cooked Maggiemee & drank the leftover Martell. Nua-ed at his hse till 8plus then homed. Sch tmr, how boring...................

I'll upload photos tmr!! :D

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