
Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Met A & Sh ytd afternoon. A left soon after then Kl came to find us. Practically rotted at Amk all the way & the usuals > Pooled & Lan-ed. Taught Sh how to play Dota at Raiders, freaking funny! HAHAHAHA. Anyway, she gave up halfway cause she don't get what we're trying to teach her. LOL. Continued to rot then Adrian came to find us too. Fountain & got screened by police, lucky or what? Spoiled our atmosphere of corking, Hahahahahaha. Homed around 12. (:

Dragged my super fat body out of bed this morning!! Everyone were still sleeping when i woke up to prepare. -.- Hate to wake up 2hrs before our meeting time just to prepare. How cool if everyone were just to go out straight when they wake up, going out with their pyjamas. HAHAHA. Okay, crazy i know. -.-

Waited for Sh damn long at Fountain then to Ahmei Cafe for prata. Trained to DhoubyGhaut & met up with A at PlazaSing. Walked around till Kl arrived & went to watch 'Happy Go Lucky'. I think it's a nice show, some parts were really touching. Sat outside of PlazaSing deciding where to go. Camwhored while we're rotting.

So we ended up walking to the Mrt station to see the map. LOL! A went off first while we still deciding where to have our dinner. End up going back to PlazaSing's XingWangHkCafe. Was really bloated, but their food was great! :D Anyway, trained back to Amk aftermath & Kl left while we met up with Sh's boyf & to 344 slack. Homed around 11. (:

Something's wrong with me this few days. Although i said i lost weight but maybe it's because of the long sleeping & results to 1meal a day. But thinking about it, i've been eating alot this few days like > Sukisushi, Longjohn, Fish&co, Mac etc. By seeing all this, obviously it's very fattening & will gain a lil weight but guess what, i continued to lose weight, crazy or what? Please let me be paranoid instead of thinking that i've problems with my health. Omg.

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