
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

stress stress stress!!! [jiaa wennx burdae]

haix...ii shouldd be doinn myy hw noww derrx...butt ii touu touu use de com...stress siaa...sOo manii hw tUu do...AND...manii projects tUu do oSo...denn noww ii everiidaee needd staee backk ferr dancce & cheerleadinn...will diee lehhx...everiidaee lykk tatt...hahax...2dae jiaa wenn burdaee...we gO celebratee at tgcc...sOo xiann muu herr...gott sOo manii presenttx...whenn we startedd tUu eatt de cakee, summbodii tookk de creamm wibb his fingerr andd wiipe on jiaa wennx facee...denn derre werre chaoox...everii1 startedd doinn de samee tinggyy...ii beverrlyy & jiaa wenn werre screamminn untill lykk siaoo zaa bo lykk tatt...whahax...josephh ishh de worse 1...weii teckk tookk de creamm andd rubb it on hiis face...sOo funniie...we laughh untill lykk crazzyy...afterr tatt he runn afterr muii cuxx ii didd norrtx kannaa byy de creamm...jiaa wenn oSo startedd chasiinn afterr muii...!!!...deadd endd...!!! nO choiice...havv tUu be samee as demm...myy facee werre full of creamm...sOo diuu liann...peii yingg ishh de personn hUu helpp us wiipe ourr face...whenn ii clean finishh...AGAIN!!! tatt chenn wenn wiipe de creamm on myy facee agaiinn...haiixx...nO choiice...habb tUu playy wibb demm...finallyy...we all go tUu de toilett tUu washh ourr face...yayy...jiaa wenn openiinn herr presenttx lerrx...ii miikka ameliia wu shengg weii teckk sharre tUu buyy presenttx ferr herr...andd itx de mostt exx derrx...howw ii wiishh ii gott sOo manii presenttx...=p ii tiinkk ii wriite until herre lerrx...buaaiixx...=)

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