
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Cny!

It's been way long since i've blogged........Was rather lazy and didn't have time to update this space of mine! Anyway, happy chinese new year to all! So well, i'm 20 this year already. So fucking old!!!! I don't wanna grow old, i wish i was 18 years old every year!

Year 2011, starting of the year wasn't as great but nevertheless, i had great fun and moments with my dearest friends. March, i made a huge decision on whether to wait for this particular person or to start a new r/s with my boy. And yeap, i decided to give up that particular person and move on to a new r/s. Life was great at the start, but slowly there were problems in our r/s. Went through many ups and downs and yeap, we're still holding onto each other. I hope this year, 2012, will be even better than before. 

Pictures recently on different occasions! 

Have a great Cny guys! 

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