siiannx...t0dae ishh teacherrx dae andd aces dae...s0o perf0rmance was great...whahax...actualli ii g0rrt perf0rmm derrx...but ii andd ameliia last miinute learnn...we learnn 2 daex onlii lehhx...denn ii n0 c0nfiidence marrx...denn scaredd f0rg0t steppx denn verii diiu liiann...s0o last miinute backk out...ameliia d0wann backk out s0o she c0ntiinue learnn...watchhiin ameliia deyy all dance tat tiime, saw ameliia f0rg0t de behiindd de steppx...ii was lykk hengg ii diidnt dance if n0rrt sure f0rget derrx...whahax...actualli g0rrt viide0 tUu watchh viide0 ishh takenn byy de c0uncill0rx andd ishh wiibbx de wh0le sko0lx c0ntriibutii0nn...ii andd ameliia iin de viide0 os0...s0o paii sehh whenn deyy sae wanna playy de viide0...BUT...luckilyy g0rrt summ techniical pr0blemmx s0o in de endd neberr watch lerrx...whahax...siiannx...sfterr sko0l actualli g0rrt cheerleadiin derrx...but al0t of ppl needda g0 backk priimaryy sko0l s0o traiinin cancel...siiannx...dunn0 where tUu g0...denn tat junn yann wanna meet hiis frennx s0o left muii derriickk andd jiingg miin...saw kl deyy all at ch0ngg bo0nn market...siiannx...denn we whenn tUu mac t0kk t0kk...denn lata ii askk kevann where ishh he denn he sae he at 466...denn he askk muii whetherr ii g0rrt basketball...denn ii sae dunn habbx...s0o ii g0 lendd 4r0mm weii teckk...deyy all playy bb denn ii al0ne siitiin at de v0iidd deckk dere see demm playy cux raiinin...awhile lata bo0nn h0ngg cumm t0kk tUu muii...afterr awhile denn he g0 lerrx...afterr deyy fiinishh de matchh, deyy all went h0me lerrx...left muii derriickk andd jiingg miin...ii call kennyy cumm d0wnn take de bb cux deyy maybe 2niite g0rrt g0 playy bb...afterr kennyy cumm d0wnn denn we all playy bb...whahax...playy until 6 plus lykk tat...cux kenyy needda g0 tuiiti0nn...denn ii derriickk jiingg miin g0 mac eat...siiannx...afterr tat denn we g0 h0me lerrx...s0o tiiredd andd c0ldd cux we all playy bb underr de raiin...whahax...jux he ha0x wiibbx kl on 29th of august...heeheex...hmmx...aniiwae 'HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY'...=p
Thursday, August 31, 2006
siiannx...t0dae ishh teacherrx dae andd aces dae...s0o perf0rmance was great...whahax...actualli ii g0rrt perf0rmm derrx...but ii andd ameliia last miinute learnn...we learnn 2 daex onlii lehhx...denn ii n0 c0nfiidence marrx...denn scaredd f0rg0t steppx denn verii diiu liiann...s0o last miinute backk out...ameliia d0wann backk out s0o she c0ntiinue learnn...watchhiin ameliia deyy all dance tat tiime, saw ameliia f0rg0t de behiindd de steppx...ii was lykk hengg ii diidnt dance if n0rrt sure f0rget derrx...whahax...actualli g0rrt viide0 tUu watchh viide0 ishh takenn byy de c0uncill0rx andd ishh wiibbx de wh0le sko0lx c0ntriibutii0nn...ii andd ameliia iin de viide0 os0...s0o paii sehh whenn deyy sae wanna playy de viide0...BUT...luckilyy g0rrt summ techniical pr0blemmx s0o in de endd neberr watch lerrx...whahax...siiannx...sfterr sko0l actualli g0rrt cheerleadiin derrx...but al0t of ppl needda g0 backk priimaryy sko0l s0o traiinin cancel...siiannx...dunn0 where tUu g0...denn tat junn yann wanna meet hiis frennx s0o left muii derriickk andd jiingg miin...saw kl deyy all at ch0ngg bo0nn market...siiannx...denn we whenn tUu mac t0kk t0kk...denn lata ii askk kevann where ishh he denn he sae he at 466...denn he askk muii whetherr ii g0rrt basketball...denn ii sae dunn habbx...s0o ii g0 lendd 4r0mm weii teckk...deyy all playy bb denn ii al0ne siitiin at de v0iidd deckk dere see demm playy cux raiinin...awhile lata bo0nn h0ngg cumm t0kk tUu muii...afterr awhile denn he g0 lerrx...afterr deyy fiinishh de matchh, deyy all went h0me lerrx...left muii derriickk andd jiingg miin...ii call kennyy cumm d0wnn take de bb cux deyy maybe 2niite g0rrt g0 playy bb...afterr kennyy cumm d0wnn denn we all playy bb...whahax...playy until 6 plus lykk tat...cux kenyy needda g0 tuiiti0nn...denn ii derriickk jiingg miin g0 mac eat...siiannx...afterr tat denn we g0 h0me lerrx...s0o tiiredd andd c0ldd cux we all playy bb underr de raiin...whahax...jux he ha0x wiibbx kl on 29th of august...heeheex...hmmx...aniiwae 'HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY'...=p
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
whahax...last sat went tUu naceya's burdaee...s0o funn...actualli dunn wann g0 derrx cux ameliia neberr g0 but derriickk deyy all keepp askiin muiix g0...SO ii deciided tUu g0...ii t0ldd muaii m0therr b0ut de chalet denn she jux replyy muii a NO...! ii was lykk wadd de hell larrx...havenn evenn tell eUu wadd tiime g0 andd cumm backk denn deciide n0rrt tUu let muii g0...s0o angryy larrx...she sae cux de next dae we g0iin t0o malacca marrx s0o scaredd ii siickk orr wadd denn cannt g0...siiannx...ii keepp insistiin on g0iin denn she sae if ii g0 de chalet denn ii cannt g0 malacca...ii wass lykk dunn care l0rrx...haiix...derriickk deyy all g0 bugiis buyy present ferr naceya denn sae buyy liia0x denn g0 j8 fiindd muii...ii t0ldd demm tat whenn deyy saw muii jux act as dunn0 muii cux muaii m0therr dunn all0w muii g0 out wiibbx b0iix derrx...s0o deyy askk jabil andd herr frennx waiit ferr muii outsiide christoforii...whenn ii haviin less0nn tat tiime jiingg miin msgg muii sae deyy g0 de chalet 1st cux obbx summ reas0nn...whenn ii fiinishh muii less0nn, ii saw muaii fatherr waiitin ferr muii os0...ii was lykk tiinkkin sure cann0rrt g0 de chalet liia0x...denn ii was lykk quarrellin wibbx demm at j8...s0o paii sehh...everii1 wass lykk lo0kiin at us larrx...omg...ii keepp insistiin on g0iin s0o muaii m0therr jux walkk awayy...ii was lykk dunn0 whetherr wann tUu g0 or dunn g0...denn jabil sae she helpp muii t0kk tUu muaii parentx...hahax...s0o gann d0ngg...we chase afterr muaii parentx denn jabil realli g0 t0kk t0o demm...ii t0ldd demm ii will cumm backk at 8pm denn in de endd deyy realli all0w muii g0...whahax...s0o happiiex...we to0kk taxii dere...verii ex lehhx...cux at east c0ast...but luckilyy we need payy lykk 2 d0llarr plus onlii cux junn yann helpp us payy $ fiirst whenn ii g0 derre ii was lykk verii extra cux ii onlii l0werr secc but awhile lata w0nt liia0x...ii, jabil, yimiin, liina, derriickk, jiingg miin g0 riide biicycle...s0o funn...denn we g0 backk chalet fiinishh liia0x denn we g0 de seaa siide de biigg biigg r0ckk on t0pp seat andd t0kk t0kk...jabil sae tat whenn eUu sh0ut denn will verii qiingg s0ngg s0o ii, jabil andd jiingg miin sh0ut verii l0udd...whahax...s0o funn...denn ii helpp derriickk take ph0t0...s0o funniiie...we t0kk andd t0kk...ii realiisedd al0t obbx tiinggx afterr our c0nverrsatii0nn...afterr tat we went backk de chalet...naceya's m0therr organiisedd gamex ferr us tUu playy...derre was 1 game tat was verii funniiex...she gave us a tiingg wrappedd wiibbx newspaperr andd we habbx tUu pass it ar0undd as we are siitiin in a ciircle...denn she will st0pp de musiic andd whenn de last pers0n hu t0uchh it, deyy w0uldd habbx tUu openn de newspaperr andd fiindd theirr c0nsequences wriitenn on a paperr...jabil was de fiirst hu g0rrt it...herr puniishment was damnn funniex...she habbx tUu use her butt tUu wriite naceya's name...everii1 wass lykk laughhiin all de wayy larrx...whahax...afterr playiin de gamex, we went upstaiirs tUu take a breakk...afterr awhile we habbx tUu cut cake lerrx...naceya's m0therr preparedd cuppx obbx p0wderr wibbx waterr tUu p0urr on naceya afterr she cut de cake...whahax...necaya's haiir was lykk s0o whiite andd messyy...junn yann was de 2ndd w0rse as naceya's m0therr p0urr de p0wderr ont0 hiis headd...hiis wh0le b0dii all whiite siiax...denn everii1 was lykk makiin eachh otherr...actualli ii andd jabil diidnt make until de p0wderr derrx...denn junn yann came tUu us andd pourr p0wderr on us...jabil standd in fr0nt obbx muii s0o she kanna m0re denn muii...luckyy ii abiit onlii...whahax...afterr tat ii see muaii ph0ne de tiime...10.35 lerrx...! omgg...denn awhile lataa muaii fatherr call andd askk yy ii n0rrt backk yet...ii saiidd tat naceya verii late denn cut cake...whahax...itx de truthh marrx...hahax...luckilyy he neberr sc0ldd...ar0undd 11pm lykk tat junn yann de g0dd-siis wanna g0 backk lerrx...s0o ii take taxii wiibbx herr...derriickk deyy all stayy at de chalet...s0o gd riite...but ii needda g0 malacca de next daee s0o cannt stayy...haiix...went h0me, bathh denn sleepp lerrx...s0o tiiredd...heeheex...geex...tiinkk ii wriite until here lerrx...bbuaiix...=)
whahax...last sat went tUu naceya's burdaee...s0o funn...actualli dunn wann g0 derrx cux ameliia neberr g0 but derriickk deyy all keepp askiin muiix g0...SO ii deciided tUu g0...ii t0ldd muaii m0therr b0ut de chalet denn she jux replyy muii a NO...! ii was lykk wadd de hell larrx...havenn evenn tell eUu wadd tiime g0 andd cumm backk denn deciide n0rrt tUu let muii g0...s0o angryy larrx...she sae cux de next dae we g0iin t0o malacca marrx s0o scaredd ii siickk orr wadd denn cannt g0...siiannx...ii keepp insistiin on g0iin denn she sae if ii g0 de chalet denn ii cannt g0 malacca...ii wass lykk dunn care l0rrx...haiix...derriickk deyy all g0 bugiis buyy present ferr naceya denn sae buyy liia0x denn g0 j8 fiindd muii...ii t0ldd demm tat whenn deyy saw muii jux act as dunn0 muii cux muaii m0therr dunn all0w muii g0 out wiibbx b0iix derrx...s0o deyy askk jabil andd herr frennx waiit ferr muii outsiide christoforii...whenn ii haviin less0nn tat tiime jiingg miin msgg muii sae deyy g0 de chalet 1st cux obbx summ reas0nn...whenn ii fiinishh muii less0nn, ii saw muaii fatherr waiitin ferr muii os0...ii was lykk tiinkkin sure cann0rrt g0 de chalet liia0x...denn ii was lykk quarrellin wibbx demm at j8...s0o paii sehh...everii1 wass lykk lo0kiin at us larrx...omg...ii keepp insistiin on g0iin s0o muaii m0therr jux walkk awayy...ii was lykk dunn0 whetherr wann tUu g0 or dunn g0...denn jabil sae she helpp muii t0kk tUu muaii parentx...hahax...s0o gann d0ngg...we chase afterr muaii parentx denn jabil realli g0 t0kk t0o demm...ii t0ldd demm ii will cumm backk at 8pm denn in de endd deyy realli all0w muii g0...whahax...s0o happiiex...we to0kk taxii dere...verii ex lehhx...cux at east c0ast...but luckilyy we need payy lykk 2 d0llarr plus onlii cux junn yann helpp us payy $ fiirst whenn ii g0 derre ii was lykk verii extra cux ii onlii l0werr secc but awhile lata w0nt liia0x...ii, jabil, yimiin, liina, derriickk, jiingg miin g0 riide biicycle...s0o funn...denn we g0 backk chalet fiinishh liia0x denn we g0 de seaa siide de biigg biigg r0ckk on t0pp seat andd t0kk t0kk...jabil sae tat whenn eUu sh0ut denn will verii qiingg s0ngg s0o ii, jabil andd jiingg miin sh0ut verii l0udd...whahax...s0o funn...denn ii helpp derriickk take ph0t0...s0o funniiie...we t0kk andd t0kk...ii realiisedd al0t obbx tiinggx afterr our c0nverrsatii0nn...afterr tat we went backk de chalet...naceya's m0therr organiisedd gamex ferr us tUu playy...derre was 1 game tat was verii funniiex...she gave us a tiingg wrappedd wiibbx newspaperr andd we habbx tUu pass it ar0undd as we are siitiin in a ciircle...denn she will st0pp de musiic andd whenn de last pers0n hu t0uchh it, deyy w0uldd habbx tUu openn de newspaperr andd fiindd theirr c0nsequences wriitenn on a paperr...jabil was de fiirst hu g0rrt it...herr puniishment was damnn funniex...she habbx tUu use her butt tUu wriite naceya's name...everii1 wass lykk laughhiin all de wayy larrx...whahax...afterr playiin de gamex, we went upstaiirs tUu take a breakk...afterr awhile we habbx tUu cut cake lerrx...naceya's m0therr preparedd cuppx obbx p0wderr wibbx waterr tUu p0urr on naceya afterr she cut de cake...whahax...necaya's haiir was lykk s0o whiite andd messyy...junn yann was de 2ndd w0rse as naceya's m0therr p0urr de p0wderr ont0 hiis headd...hiis wh0le b0dii all whiite siiax...denn everii1 was lykk makiin eachh otherr...actualli ii andd jabil diidnt make until de p0wderr derrx...denn junn yann came tUu us andd pourr p0wderr on us...jabil standd in fr0nt obbx muii s0o she kanna m0re denn muii...luckyy ii abiit onlii...whahax...afterr tat ii see muaii ph0ne de tiime...10.35 lerrx...! omgg...denn awhile lataa muaii fatherr call andd askk yy ii n0rrt backk yet...ii saiidd tat naceya verii late denn cut cake...whahax...itx de truthh marrx...hahax...luckilyy he neberr sc0ldd...ar0undd 11pm lykk tat junn yann de g0dd-siis wanna g0 backk lerrx...s0o ii take taxii wiibbx herr...derriickk deyy all stayy at de chalet...s0o gd riite...but ii needda g0 malacca de next daee s0o cannt stayy...haiix...went h0me, bathh denn sleepp lerrx...s0o tiiredd...heeheex...geex...tiinkk ii wriite until here lerrx...bbuaiix...=)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
backk...ourr cheerleadiin c0achh lennyy came...on last wedd...he startedd wiibbx hiis exerciise tat he call 'c0nditii0n'...l0lx...s0o tiirin l0rrx...runn 3 r0unddx ar0undd de hall denn d0 warmm upp>>> 30 crunchhes, 50 pushh-upp ferr guyyx, 25 ferr galx, stretchhiin denn afterr d0iin we still needda runn an0therr 3 or 5 r0unddx...he diid wiibbx us a actiivityy whiichh ishh disgustiin...touchinn here andd dere...myy go0ddness...s0o paii sehh larrx...denn we practiice ourr stuntx...last sat afterr practiice denn derriickk, junn yann, jiingg miin andd muiix g0 eat...actualli we wann eat at macc derrx...denn cux g0rrt 'summb0dii' dere s0o we went t0 de market insteadd...whenn we wanna siit d0wnn denn junn yann de frennx came...s0o we went t0 an0ther place t0 siit t0 prevent demm 4r0mm f0ll0wiin us...deyy ate duckk riice but ii n0 appetiite s0o jux buyy bubble teaa...afterr tat cux n0b0dii peii muii g0 j8 ferr piian0 less0nn marrx...s0o deyy peii muii g0...deyy went t0 junn yann h0use while ii g0 h0me bathh...denn deyy awhile lata at muaii h0use d0wnnstaiirrs de playygr0undd dere waiit ferr muii t0 okae...s0o tiirin larrx...haiix...wh0le dae busyy...dunn habbx evenn 1 daex ii cann sleepp until de tiime ii lykk...
m0ndae - friidae>>> sko0l
h0ww ii wiishh derex a dae ii c0uldd sleepp until de tiime ii wann...haiix...
backk...ourr cheerleadiin c0achh lennyy came...on last wedd...he startedd wiibbx hiis exerciise tat he call 'c0nditii0n'...l0lx...s0o tiirin l0rrx...runn 3 r0unddx ar0undd de hall denn d0 warmm upp>>> 30 crunchhes, 50 pushh-upp ferr guyyx, 25 ferr galx, stretchhiin denn afterr d0iin we still needda runn an0therr 3 or 5 r0unddx...he diid wiibbx us a actiivityy whiichh ishh disgustiin...touchinn here andd dere...myy go0ddness...s0o paii sehh larrx...denn we practiice ourr stuntx...last sat afterr practiice denn derriickk, junn yann, jiingg miin andd muiix g0 eat...actualli we wann eat at macc derrx...denn cux g0rrt 'summb0dii' dere s0o we went t0 de market insteadd...whenn we wanna siit d0wnn denn junn yann de frennx came...s0o we went t0 an0ther place t0 siit t0 prevent demm 4r0mm f0ll0wiin us...deyy ate duckk riice but ii n0 appetiite s0o jux buyy bubble teaa...afterr tat cux n0b0dii peii muii g0 j8 ferr piian0 less0nn marrx...s0o deyy peii muii g0...deyy went t0 junn yann h0use while ii g0 h0me bathh...denn deyy awhile lata at muaii h0use d0wnnstaiirrs de playygr0undd dere waiit ferr muii t0 okae...s0o tiirin larrx...haiix...wh0le dae busyy...dunn habbx evenn 1 daex ii cann sleepp until de tiime ii lykk...
m0ndae - friidae>>> sko0l
h0ww ii wiishh derex a dae ii c0uldd sleepp until de tiime ii wann...haiix...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Writing Task - Miss Ang
An early morning fire injured three people at Tampines Lane yesterday and left at least 10 people homeless.
Mr Muthu Maran, a veteran fireman, Mr Quek Seow Meng, a vegetable rice seller, and Mr Chee Seng Toh, a polytechnic student, were injured. Mr Muthu was rushed to the Changi hospital as he had burns on his shoulder and minor bruises to his legs. Mr Quek was slightly burnt on both hands but was treated as an outpatient and was sent home.Mr Chee suffered a broken ankle but was also treated as an outpatient and was sent home.
Mr Ivan Wong was a resident of one of the shophouses and while he was sleeping, he heard shouts of fire.I quickly took my blanket and started to put out the flames. There was heat and thick smoke everywhere but i managed to run out of the building to call for help.
Three families living on the top floor were also awakened from their sleep and rushed out of the burning building.Mr Quek's hands were burnt as he battled with the flames with his blanket on his way down the wooden stairs when it had caught fire. Mr Chee fell and broke his ankle when he ran down the stairs.
Mr Muthu entered the burning building and went up to the top floor when the firemen were directing their hoses at it. The floor suddenly collapsed as the floor under him was charred. It was an hour later when the firemen brought the fire under control.
>>>To: Miss Ang<<<
Mr Muthu Maran, a veteran fireman, Mr Quek Seow Meng, a vegetable rice seller, and Mr Chee Seng Toh, a polytechnic student, were injured. Mr Muthu was rushed to the Changi hospital as he had burns on his shoulder and minor bruises to his legs. Mr Quek was slightly burnt on both hands but was treated as an outpatient and was sent home.Mr Chee suffered a broken ankle but was also treated as an outpatient and was sent home.
Mr Ivan Wong was a resident of one of the shophouses and while he was sleeping, he heard shouts of fire.I quickly took my blanket and started to put out the flames. There was heat and thick smoke everywhere but i managed to run out of the building to call for help.
Three families living on the top floor were also awakened from their sleep and rushed out of the burning building.Mr Quek's hands were burnt as he battled with the flames with his blanket on his way down the wooden stairs when it had caught fire. Mr Chee fell and broke his ankle when he ran down the stairs.
Mr Muthu entered the burning building and went up to the top floor when the firemen were directing their hoses at it. The floor suddenly collapsed as the floor under him was charred. It was an hour later when the firemen brought the fire under control.
>>>To: Miss Ang<<<
Writing Task - Miss Ang
An early morning fire injured three people at Tampines Lane yesterday and left at least 10 people homeless.
Mr Muthu Maran, a veteran fireman, Mr Quek Seow Meng, a vegetable rice seller, and Mr Chee Seng Toh, a polytechnic student, were injured. Mr Muthu was rushed to the Changi hospital as he had burns on his shoulder and minor bruises to his legs. Mr Quek was slightly burnt on both hands but was treated as an outpatient and was sent home.Mr Chee suffered a broken ankle but was also treated as an outpatient and was sent home.
Mr Ivan Wong was a resident of one of the shophouses and while he was sleeping, he heard shouts of fire.I quickly took my blanket and started to put out the flames. There was heat and thick smoke everywhere but i managed to run out of the building to call for help.
Three families living on the top floor were also awakened from their sleep and rushed out of the burning building.Mr Quek's hands were burnt as he battled with the flames with his blanket on his way down the wooden stairs when it had caught fire. Mr Chee fell and broke his ankle when he ran down the stairs.
Mr Muthu entered the burning building and went up to the top floor when the firemen were directing their hoses at it. The floor suddenly collapsed as the floor under him was charred. It was an hour later when the firemen brought the fire under control.
>>>To: Miss Ang<<<
Mr Muthu Maran, a veteran fireman, Mr Quek Seow Meng, a vegetable rice seller, and Mr Chee Seng Toh, a polytechnic student, were injured. Mr Muthu was rushed to the Changi hospital as he had burns on his shoulder and minor bruises to his legs. Mr Quek was slightly burnt on both hands but was treated as an outpatient and was sent home.Mr Chee suffered a broken ankle but was also treated as an outpatient and was sent home.
Mr Ivan Wong was a resident of one of the shophouses and while he was sleeping, he heard shouts of fire.I quickly took my blanket and started to put out the flames. There was heat and thick smoke everywhere but i managed to run out of the building to call for help.
Three families living on the top floor were also awakened from their sleep and rushed out of the burning building.Mr Quek's hands were burnt as he battled with the flames with his blanket on his way down the wooden stairs when it had caught fire. Mr Chee fell and broke his ankle when he ran down the stairs.
Mr Muthu entered the burning building and went up to the top floor when the firemen were directing their hoses at it. The floor suddenly collapsed as the floor under him was charred. It was an hour later when the firemen brought the fire under control.
>>>To: Miss Ang<<<
Monday, August 14, 2006
My Favourite English Material
My favourite reading material is "My life as a blundering ballerina". It is a funny, interesting, exciting book to read. I love this book because it tells us that girls and boys are equal, there is difficulty being either a girl or a boy. This story is about a boy named Wally McDoogle and his best friend named Wall Street. Wally and Wall Street keeps on arguing that a girl is way harder being a guy and a guy is way harder being a girl. Their speech teacher suggested that they switch places for three days to prove whether boys or girls are better and they agreed. Teachers, parents, friends, everyone is in on the act as the two try to survive 72 hours in each others' shoes. It is a custom-made Wally catastrophe that includes exploding home-econ cookies as Wally used gun powder instead of baking powder, baby-sitting a mob of out-of-control monster babies and imprisoned 2.2 hours in the bathroom every morning to fix his hair. Last but not least, Wally must replace Wall Street as a star in "The Nutcracker Ballet". All in all it becomes one of Wally's greatest misadventures as he finally learns the important lesson of honoring and respecting others. The author of this book is Bill Myers. He is an innovative writer with an outrageous sense of humor. His work is enjoyed by millions of kids around the world. Bill has written three dozen books, and as a writer and director, his films have won over forty national and international awards.
>>>To: Ms Ang<<<
>>>To: Ms Ang<<<
My Favourite English Material
My favourite reading material is "My life as a blundering ballerina". It is a funny, interesting, exciting book to read. I love this book because it tells us that girls and boys are equal, there is difficulty being either a girl or a boy. This story is about a boy named Wally McDoogle and his best friend named Wall Street. Wally and Wall Street keeps on arguing that a girl is way harder being a guy and a guy is way harder being a girl. Their speech teacher suggested that they switch places for three days to prove whether boys or girls are better and they agreed. Teachers, parents, friends, everyone is in on the act as the two try to survive 72 hours in each others' shoes. It is a custom-made Wally catastrophe that includes exploding home-econ cookies as Wally used gun powder instead of baking powder, baby-sitting a mob of out-of-control monster babies and imprisoned 2.2 hours in the bathroom every morning to fix his hair. Last but not least, Wally must replace Wall Street as a star in "The Nutcracker Ballet". All in all it becomes one of Wally's greatest misadventures as he finally learns the important lesson of honoring and respecting others. The author of this book is Bill Myers. He is an innovative writer with an outrageous sense of humor. His work is enjoyed by millions of kids around the world. Bill has written three dozen books, and as a writer and director, his films have won over forty national and international awards.
>>>To: Ms Ang<<<
>>>To: Ms Ang<<<
Friday, August 04, 2006
I am Theresa...
My name is Theresa. I am 14 this year and I am currently studying Chong Boon Secondary School. I am a cheerful and happy-go-lucky girl. I’m also very active and rude at times. I love the colour pink and baby blue so my mother made my room painted with pink colour.
I am a dancer and cheerleader in school. I actually have three CCA but because of difficulty cope with my studies so I quitted one of my CCA. I love cheerleading the most as it is fun and enjoyable. I’m a flyer in cheerleading as I am light. I joined cheerleading last year when they were lacking of members in the team. Mrs. Verona asked Amelia and me to join last year at PE lesson. Actually I already wanted to join but there is nobody to accompany so I did not tell Mrs. Verona until she asked us. I was overjoyed when Amelia agreed on going for training. The first day of training was very exhausting as we learn how to fly and do stuns. The easiest stuns are thigh-stand and double-base. There are more stuns than what I thought before. Some are single-base, full-extension, twist-elevator, falcon and many more. We participate in de Cheerobics competition this year and got 3rd in place. We were very sad as last year; our seniors took 1st in place. Mrs. Verona encourages us to work hard for next year's competition to clinch back our 1st place.
In Chong Boon Secondary, I made a lot of good friends and caring teachers. I wish I will continue to make more friends and work with the teachers to excel in my studies.
I am a dancer and cheerleader in school. I actually have three CCA but because of difficulty cope with my studies so I quitted one of my CCA. I love cheerleading the most as it is fun and enjoyable. I’m a flyer in cheerleading as I am light. I joined cheerleading last year when they were lacking of members in the team. Mrs. Verona asked Amelia and me to join last year at PE lesson. Actually I already wanted to join but there is nobody to accompany so I did not tell Mrs. Verona until she asked us. I was overjoyed when Amelia agreed on going for training. The first day of training was very exhausting as we learn how to fly and do stuns. The easiest stuns are thigh-stand and double-base. There are more stuns than what I thought before. Some are single-base, full-extension, twist-elevator, falcon and many more. We participate in de Cheerobics competition this year and got 3rd in place. We were very sad as last year; our seniors took 1st in place. Mrs. Verona encourages us to work hard for next year's competition to clinch back our 1st place.
In Chong Boon Secondary, I made a lot of good friends and caring teachers. I wish I will continue to make more friends and work with the teachers to excel in my studies.
>>>>To: Miss Ang<<<<
I am Theresa...
My name is Theresa. I am 14 this year and I am currently studying Chong Boon Secondary School. I am a cheerful and happy-go-lucky girl. I’m also very active and rude at times. I love the colour pink and baby blue so my mother made my room painted with pink colour.
I am a dancer and cheerleader in school. I actually have three CCA but because of difficulty cope with my studies so I quitted one of my CCA. I love cheerleading the most as it is fun and enjoyable. I’m a flyer in cheerleading as I am light. I joined cheerleading last year when they were lacking of members in the team. Mrs. Verona asked Amelia and me to join last year at PE lesson. Actually I already wanted to join but there is nobody to accompany so I did not tell Mrs. Verona until she asked us. I was overjoyed when Amelia agreed on going for training. The first day of training was very exhausting as we learn how to fly and do stuns. The easiest stuns are thigh-stand and double-base. There are more stuns than what I thought before. Some are single-base, full-extension, twist-elevator, falcon and many more. We participate in de Cheerobics competition this year and got 3rd in place. We were very sad as last year; our seniors took 1st in place. Mrs. Verona encourages us to work hard for next year's competition to clinch back our 1st place.
In Chong Boon Secondary, I made a lot of good friends and caring teachers. I wish I will continue to make more friends and work with the teachers to excel in my studies.
I am a dancer and cheerleader in school. I actually have three CCA but because of difficulty cope with my studies so I quitted one of my CCA. I love cheerleading the most as it is fun and enjoyable. I’m a flyer in cheerleading as I am light. I joined cheerleading last year when they were lacking of members in the team. Mrs. Verona asked Amelia and me to join last year at PE lesson. Actually I already wanted to join but there is nobody to accompany so I did not tell Mrs. Verona until she asked us. I was overjoyed when Amelia agreed on going for training. The first day of training was very exhausting as we learn how to fly and do stuns. The easiest stuns are thigh-stand and double-base. There are more stuns than what I thought before. Some are single-base, full-extension, twist-elevator, falcon and many more. We participate in de Cheerobics competition this year and got 3rd in place. We were very sad as last year; our seniors took 1st in place. Mrs. Verona encourages us to work hard for next year's competition to clinch back our 1st place.
In Chong Boon Secondary, I made a lot of good friends and caring teachers. I wish I will continue to make more friends and work with the teachers to excel in my studies.
>>>>To: Miss Ang<<<<
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